Beneath the surface: How biologicals improve soil health
April 22, 2016
Source: IntelliFarms
In last week's newsletter, we discussed what biologicals are and the yield-enhancing potential they offer. Higher yields are a direct result of biologicals' impact in improving plant and soil health.
This week, we dive deeper beneath the soil surface to look at how biologicals work and the way they improve soil. Biologicals add microbes into the Phytobiome, or the system of plants, their environments, and their associated communities of organisms. Microbes are part of a thriving environment in the soil, and a plant’s root growth can be limited if there are not enough microbes to provide sufficient nutrients. In one gram of soil there can be up to 1 billion bacteria, 1 million fungi and 1 million algae and cyanobacteria microorganisms. Understanding and maintaining the ideal levels of these organisms in the soil is key in soil health.
The big workhorse of IntelliFarms' biologicals products is Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, or PGPRs. PGPRs stimulate root growth to provide more mass below the soil surface. More root mass enhances nutrient uptake, leads to quicker and more uniform emergence, and results in better resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors such as drought, saline soil and nematodes. PGPRs also have the ability to receive and send signals to the plant when the plant is in distress against attacking pathogens. They will colonize on the plant root and create a defensive zone on the root surface, discouraging attacking pathogens. You can see this in the photo below.
The larger root masses stimulated by biologicals lead to more organic matter in the soil for seasons to come. The ongoing decomposition of dead material (organic matter), will result in more complex organic matter called humus. Humus is better able to attract and retain nutrients and contributes to N, P and other nutrients in the soil. Increased organic matter also positively impacts moisture-holding capacity of the soil, increases rainfall infiltration into the soil and reduces run-off.
Download a list of 10 facts you may not know about soil microbes, which highlights other points on the effect of soil microbes on plant and soil health.
PGPR colonizing on the plant root
More case studies and ROI figures are available upon request. IntelliFarms offers biologicals solutions and consultation for a variety of crops, including corn, soy, wheat, sorghum, canola, peanuts, cotton and many more. As discussed earlier, Biologicals have a positive effect on plant health in general, so is not limited to specific row crops.
We also recommend that you work to understand your current soil microbe needs by testing your field's organic matter. IntelliFarms can provide assistance with this and work to develop a prescriptive process best suited to your field.
More solutions from: IntelliFarms
Website: Published: April 22, 2016 |