January 14, 2012
Effect of foliar fungicides and insecticides on soybean disease severity and yield
Nebraska, USA - 2011 field research shows little yield effect from soybean seed treatments
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Research: Irrigated corn achieves high yields with high energy efficiency, little impact on climate change - More energy efficient yields than in rainfed systems
November 4, 2011
Aids to selecting soybean varieties to manage soybean cyst nematode
October 14, 2011
Photo profile: harvesting University of Nebraska - Lincoln sugar beet research plots
September 26, 2011
Nebraska, USA - Corn rootworm management update - Ensure diversity when selecting seed for 2012
September 12, 2011
Planting wheat into dry soils
August 20, 2011
New iPad app aids scouting for soybean aphids
August 5, 2011
How extended high heat disrupts corn pollination
July 16, 2011
Scouting for soybean aphids goes digital
July 15, 2011
Updated canola production field guide now available
July 11, 2011
Wheat Disease Profiles I - Descriptions and photos of wheat diseases, including virus, foliar fungal, and fungal root root and crown rot diseases, plus brief management suggestions
Wheat Disease Profiles II - Descriptions and photos of fungal and bacterial wheat diseases that affect heads and grain and/or leaves, including brief management suggestions
Sugarbeet Disease Profiles I - Descriptions and photos of sugarbeet diseases, including seedling diseases, Aphanomyces root rot, Rhizoctonia root and crown rot, Pythium root rot, and Fusarium yellows
Sugarbeet Disease Profiles II - Descriptions and photos of sugarbeet diseases, including Rhizomania, foliar, beet curly top, beet soilborne mosaic, nematodes, false root-kot, cyst, and root-knot
Dry Bean Disease Profiles I - Descriptions and photos of dry bean diseases, including viruses, rust, common blight, halo blight, brown spot, and bacterial wilt
Dry Bean Disease Profiles II - Descriptions and photos of dry bean diseases, including Fusarium root rot, Rhizoctonia root rot, Pythium root rot, white mold, and Fusarium yellows
Corn Disease Profiles I - Descriptions and photos of foliar corn diseases, including brief management suggestions
Corn Disease Profiles II - Descriptions and photos of stalk rot diseases of corn, including brief management suggestions
April 22, 2011
Is an inoculant necessary for flooded fields that are being planted to soybean?
December 17, 2010
University of Nebraska–Lincoln scientists develop new approaches to fighting bacterial diseases in corn, dry beans
September 3, 2010
Plant fungicide-treated wheat seed to guard against seedborne and soilborne diseases
Selecting wheat varieties for best yield
August 28, 2009
May 15, 2009
NebGuide: Soybean cyst nematode (SCN): identification and management (University of Nebraska)
May 15, 2006
Soybean inoculation 1: Understanding the soil and plant mechanisms involved
Soybean inoculation 2: Applying the facts to your fields
March 10, 2006
Seed treatments and alternatives for insect control in corn, soybeans, and sorghum
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