Australia - Make more from maize with GRDC's Maize GrowNote module
December 15, 2014
Maize growers now have an unparalleled opportunity to boost production and profitability with the release of the online Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Maize GrowNote module
The maize module is the latest offering in the GRDC’s GrowNotes series and follows the successful release of the barley, sorghum, sunflower, faba beans, wheat, barley, durum and chickpea modules which are being extensively used by growers and agronomists across the northern cropping region.
The module is a `one stop shop’ for northern region maize trial results and up-to-date industry best practice recommendations on pre-plant planning and paddock preparation, sowing practices, crop nutrition, fertiliser, weed control, disease and pest management, harvest and storage practices, environmental issues and marketing.
GrowNotes modules complement the specialist advisory services already offered by local agronomists and consultants by reinforcing industry best-practice advice across the production spectrum and providing hundreds of hypertext links for further reading on specific issues.
Gunnedah-based senior agronomist Jim Hunt, Hunt Ag Solutions, said having 24-hour access to detailed agronomic and management information was a critical first step in boosting the yield potential and profitability of maize crops in the northern cropping region.
“The Maize GrowNote is one of the most extensive compilations of information and recommendations related to the agronomic management, supply chain logistics and marketing of maize that I have seen,” Mr Hunt said.
“The GrowNotes modules are based on 20 years of research and extension work across the entire production spectrum from soils and nutrition to the management of pests, diseases, weeds and farming systems so they are an invaluable resource for growers.
“Having access to this depth and quality of information all day, every day means northern maize growers have an unprecedented opportunity to lift the bar on their productive capacity and gross margin returns.”
The Maize GrowNote module is a dynamic document that will be regularly updated as new research and agronomic information becomes available, according to GRDC Northern Panel chairman James Clark (pictured).
“The release of the Maize GrowNote is a reflection of GRDC’s on-going commitment to equipping growers with the latest industry research information,” Mr Clark said.
“GrowNotes have been developed in direct response to calls from industry for crop-specific information targeted to individual regions and cropping environments.
“Initiatives like this are a key step in moving the industry forward and helping growers generate higher returns through improved crop management.”
Maize has one of the widest geographical production spreads of all the field crops in eastern Australia, being grown from tropical north Queensland to as far south as Tasmania.
Given the diversity in production environments, even within Queensland and New South Wales, the Maize GrowNote module will enable growers to access information relevant to their region and growing conditions.
More solutions from: GRDC (Grains Research & Development Corporation)
Website: Published: December 15, 2014 |