Calgary, Alberta, Canada
October 6, 2014

Bayer CropScience introduces DelaroTM, a new fungicide for pulses and soybeans to be released in Western Canada for the 2015 growing season. Data and field performance for this new product have demonstrated first class disease control growers have come to expect from Bayer CropScience fungicides, helping secure the highest yielding crops.
Delaro is a broad-spectrum fungicide for peas, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans. It delivers exceptional and long-lasting control of all major stem, pod and leaf diseases that challenge today’s pulse and soybean growers, providing higher yields and improved quality. Through extensive field testing conducted across the prairies between 2011 and 2013, and under a wide range of disease pressures, Delaro applied on peas in 15 trials has delivered an average of 138% yield improvement relative to the untreated check. When applied on lentils in 19 trials Delaro delivered an average 170% yield improvement relative to the untreated check.
“Western Canadian growers continue to be leaders in pulse production across the globe and Bayer CropScience is looking for innovations to help pulse and soybean growers continue to lead this market,” says Jared Veness, Portfolio Manager - Cereal & Pulse Fungicides. “Based on our rigorous field trails and portfolio of high performing fungicides, we are confident that Delaro will set new standards in pulse and soybean disease control”.
Delaro combines two highly dynamic and complementary active ingredients, prothioconazole (group 3) and trifloxystrobin (group 11) for dual modes of action offering long lasting disease protection.
In 2015 Delaro will be available at retailers across Western Canada.