July 2014
Getting to the root of the problem
A suite of new national GRDC programs has launched a fresh attack on root and crown diseases, which collectively cost Australian growers hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production and control costs each year. This Ground Cover Supplement reports on some of the activities from these national projects.
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Getting to the root of the problem
Dr Francis C Ogbonnaya
A suite of new national GRDC programs has launched a fresh attack on root and crown diseases, which collectively cost Australian growers hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production and control costs each year. This Ground Cover Supplement reports on some of the activites from these national projects.
Novel wheats could deliver disease holy grail
Dr Phil Davies
Collaborative yield loss testing of breeding lines produced through the GRDC-funded crown rot pre-breeding programs has been undertaken since 2012, designed to assess the yield potential of material under crown rot conditions and to assess the level of tolerance these lines have to crown rot.
Crown rot pre-breeding programs
Dr Phil Davies
Collaborative yield loss testing of breeding lines produced through the GRDC-funded crown rot pre-breeding programs has been undertaken since 2012, designed to assess the yield potential of material under crown rot conditions and to assess the level of tolerance these lines have to crown rot.
Cultivation can exacerbate crown rot
Dr Steven Simpfendorfer
Stubble management practices such as cultivation can lead to increased infection and expression of crown rot
Crown rot resistance in cereal breeding pipeline
Janet Paterson
CSIRO research has identified three areas of the barley genome that confer strong resistance to crown rot.
Disease diagnosis predicts potential yield loss
Janet Paterson
Originally developed in 1997, PreDicta B® is a DNA-based soil-testing service that quantifies the levels of a broad range of fungal pathogens and nematodes that affect broadacre cereals and some rotation crops
Rotate to reduce nematode risk
Dr Kirsty Owen
Well-managed rotations will minimise the damage caused by root lesion nematodes in cereal production systems
Nematode-resistant wheat in pipeline
Janet Paterson
Decades of pre-breeding research could lead to the release of wheat breeding lines with resistance to root lesion nematode species by early 2015
New fungicide options on way for rhizoctonia
Alan McKay and Daniel Hüberli
Collaborative research between the South Australian Research and Development Institute, the University of South Australia, the Department of Agriculture an Food, Western Australia, and agrichemical companies could result in new banding fungicide options for rhizoctonia control in cereals by 2015.
Know thy enemy
Janet Paterson
Long-term research by CSIRO scientist Dr Donald Gardiner is unravelling how the crown rot pathogen operates at a molecular level to cause disease in cereals