United Kingdom
June 3, 2014
![Spot the Maister WG treatment](http://www.bayercropscience.co.uk/media/261246/chishill.jpg)
MaisTer WG has shown excellent results when applied across our weed screen at our farm at Chishill, Herts.
Grass weed seeds are sown in the autumn and various cereal herbicide programmes are tested but this year we applied 150g/ha MaisTer WG + 2 L/ha Mero across the screen on 17.3.2014)
Species sown included winter wheat and barley, wild oats, ryegrass, annual meadow grass and 3 strains of black-grass. This photograph taken on 16.4.2014 shows excellent control of grass weeds especially black-grass.
![Weed screen 3](http://www.bayercropscience.co.uk/media/261249/weed-screen-photo.jpg)
Three strains of black-grass were used – Rothamsted Sensitive, Peldon (EMR resistant) and a particularly high ALS-resistant strain collected from Northamptonshire. Control has been good across all strains whereas typical cereal herbicides programmes struggled to control the Northants strain.
Control of cereals, wild oats, rye-grass and annual meadow-grass has been excellent and all at growth stages well above label recommended growth stages.
![Weed screen 2](http://www.bayercropscience.co.uk/media/261248/maister-weeed-screen.jpg)
Foramsulfuron, the key active ingredient in MaisTer WG, although an ALS herbicide, has never been used in the UK before and provides a useful tool in the battle against black-grass. Now that so much maize is grown for use in AD plants in arable areas of the country black-grass control in maize can give an important break in cereal rotations.
To prevent the build up of ALS resistant strains of grass weeds always use Maister WG in conjuction with herbicides from different chemical groups in the rotation.
As well as excellent control of grass weed MaisTer WG controls a wide range of broad-leaved weeds including mayweed, chickweed, fat-hen, black-nightshade and some not well-controlled by other products such as crane’s-bill and seedling docks.
MaisTer WG should always be applied with the adjuvant Mero and applied after the 2 leaf stage of the maize and before the maximum weed size has been reached.
Trial results
Maister WG 150g/ha + Mero 2L/ha was sprayed across our grass weed screen at Chishill, Herts on 17.3.2104. The black-grass had been drilled the previous autumn and was GS 25 +. This photograph taken on 16.4.2014 shows excellent control of grass weeds especially black-grass.
Three strains of black-grass were used – Rothamsted Sensitive, Peldon (EMR resistant) and a particularly high ALS-resistant strain collected from Northamptonshire. Control has been good across all strains whereas typical cereal herbicides programmes struggled to control the Northants strain.
Control of cereals, wild oats, rye-grass and annual meadow-grass has been excellent and all at growth stages well above label recommended growth stages.
Foramsulfuron, the key active ingredient in Maister WG, although an ALS herbicide, has never been used in the UK before and provides a useful tool in the battle against black-grass. Now that so much maize is grown for use in AD plants in arable areas of the country black-grass control in maize can give an important break in cereal rotations.