Insect pest management under the microscope
January 30, 2014
Armyworm larvae - Image: Melina Miles
The sustainable management of insect pests in grain crops is the thrust behind a series of workshops for grains industry advisers and growers to be held in Victoria in early April. The Grains Research and Development Corporation-supported workshops at Albury, Bendigo and Horsham will feature presentations by leading entomologists and research and extension experts who will discuss with participants key pest-related issues that are often encountered during the crop growing season. Topics include implementing an integrated approach to insect management and associated decision making process; monitoring, scouting and economic thresholds; integrated pest management tools including cultural control, conserving beneficial insects and appropriate use of ‘softer’ or more ‘selective’ insecticide options; and key pest ecology. The key outcome is developing cost effective management strategies for regionally important crops and pests.
Participants will receive access to a comprehensive resource kit including GRDC Fact Sheets, Ute Guides, course notes and presentations. The workshops will be at Albury on April 8, Bendigo on April 9 and Horsham on April 10. Presenting will be entomologists Melina Miles (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Queensland), Garry McDonald and Paul Umina (cesar). Workshops will be facilitated by John Cameron from Independent Consultants Australia Network (ICAN).
More information is available from ICAN by phoning 02 9482 4930, emailing Erica McKay at or by visiting
More solutions from: GRDC (Grains Research & Development Corporation)
Website: Published: January 30, 2014 |