Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
December 5, 2013
This summer, more than 5,000 retailers, seed sellers and growers participated in Enlist™ 360 field training. The field training provided a comprehensive learning experience on the components of the Enlist Weed Control System, a new herbicide-tolerant trait technology from Dow AgroSciences. The company continues to focus on training and learning opportunities for the Enlist system as the technology awaits regulatory approvals.
“We want to prepare the industry for the introduction of this new technology so that when it’s available, farmers, retailers and seed sellers can hit the ground running and get the most out of the technology while using it responsibly,” says Damon Palmer, U.S. commercial leader for the Enlist Weed Control System. “In-field demonstrations and learning opportunities are an important step in that preparation.”
Participants at the Dow AgroSciences Technology Centers saw the difference in control on giant ragweed with glyphosate (left) and Enlist Duo™ herbicide (right).
Dow AgroSciences is employing a multifaceted approach to education. Enlist field specialists and team members demonstrated how the system will work at regional Dow AgroSciences Technology Centers in Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota and Tennessee. The six locations showed the Enlist™ system across various environments and soil types and on a range of resistant and tough weed species.
Training participants learned about the three components of the Enlist system: Enlist traits, Enlist Duo™ herbicide with Colex-D™ Technology and the Enlist Ahead management resource.
Enlist™ corn (right) provides exceptional tolerance to Enlist Duo™ herbicide compared with corn without the Enlist trait (left).
Field demonstrations of Enlist Duo™ herbicide and on-target application
Drift and volatility demonstrations highlighted how Enlist Duo herbicide with Colex-D Technology — a proprietary blend of new 2,4-D choline and glyphosate — reduces the potential for off-target movement compared with a tank mix of glyphosate and traditional 2,4-D.
As Pat Larson, seed corn specialist with Crop Production Services of Marion, Ind., explains, reduced drift and volatility are essential for his area. Coupling the advanced technology of a labeled application of Enlist Duo herbicide with recommended best management practices will help growers achieve an on-target application.
“What excites me the most is that you are going to be able to use Enlist and get those weeds that have been resistant to glyphosate without a drift problem,” Larson says. “So we aren’t going to be damaging our neighbor’s corn crops, bean crops or tomato crops. Tomatoes are big in our area. It’s exciting.”
At plot locations, attendees were greeted by a display of weeds common to their area. Giant ragweed, lambsquarters, waterhemp and Palmer amaranth stood in a small plot marked untreated. As the participants continued their training, they observed a clean plot that had been treated with a preemergent soil-applied residual herbicide followed by Enlist Duo™ herbicide.
“The Enlist™ Weed Control System gives us another option of getting control on resistant weeds that we are starting to see now,” says Greg Goplerud of St. Ansgar, Iowa.
To ensure the Enlist™ system is a sustainable solution for the long term, Dow AgroSciences will recommend growers incorporate a program approach to their weed control.
“The program approach will include a residual herbicide, such as Sonic® herbicide for soybeans or SureStart® herbicide for corn, followed by Enlist Duo herbicide,” Palmer says. “This will provide growers with early season residual control of weeds, and it is also a proactive approach to weed resistance management.”
Tolerances demonstrate system sustainability
Dow AgroSciences representatives pointed to side-by-side corn and soybean plots to highlight the excellent tolerance Enlist crops have to Enlist Duo herbicide. Enlist corn, Enlist soybeans and Enlist E3™ soybeans were flourishing and exhibiting robust tolerance.
Looking to provide a sustainable herbicide-tolerant system, Dow AgroSciences has included additional tolerances with the Enlist crops. Enlist™ corn will also have tolerance to the FOP class of herbicides, including Assure II herbicide. Enlist soybeans, Enlist E3 soybeans and Enlist cotton also will provide tolerance to glufosinate.
Management resource is key
The Enlist Ahead management resource is designed to help growers and applicators succeed while promoting the responsible use of the Enlist system. This includes best management practices associated with the Enlist™ system, such as nozzle selection, tank cleanout and using program approach recommendations.
Using a spray table, Dow AgroSciences presenters demonstrated an array of spray patterns and droplet sizes that different nozzles create. Participants could see how low-drift nozzles that produce a coarse to extremely coarse droplet size in combination with a solution having similar characteristics to Enlist Duo™ herbicide will deliver the most favorable result for weed control while reducing the potential for off-target movement.
“The best part about the training is the hands-on experience. We didn’t have to sit and look at PowerPoint slides,” says Patrick Delaney, facility manager for Crop Production Services in Roachdale, Ind. “We actually got to get out into the field. We got to see it on actual crops and hear how these chemistries and this technology works.”
The learning continues
Dow AgroSciences continues its commitment to education and training for the Enlist system.
“The importance of understanding the new technology and using the best management practices is pivotal to the on-farm success of the Enlist™ system, pending regulatory approvals,” Palmer says.
Growers, retailers and seed sellers will have more opportunities to learn about the Enlist system, including in-person and online training sessions, he says.
Pending regulatory approvals, Dow AgroSciences expects to launch Enlist corn and soybeans in 2015, with cotton to follow.
For more information, visit, follow on Twitter at @EnlistOnline or contact your Dow AgroSciences sales representative or Enlist field specialist.
®™Colex-D, DOW Diamond, Enlist, Enlist Duo, Enlist E3, Sonic and SureStart are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. Enlist E3 soybeans are being jointly developed by MS Technologies and Dow AgroSciences. Regulatory approvals are pending for the Enlist herbicide solution and crops containing Enlist herbicide tolerance traits. The information presented here is not an offer for sale. Sonic and SureStart are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. ©2013 Dow AgroSciences LLC