May 9, 2013
A new publication outlines ways in which growers can help make limited herbicides last as long as possible, to ensure the continued productivity and viability of Australian cropping systems.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Ground Cover supplement Making Herbicides Last features contributions from leading weeds researchers and includes information about non-herbicide methods for weed control, such as harvest weed seed control and crop competition.
GRDC plant health technologies program manager Ken Young said these methods were being increasingly adopted across the Western Australian grainbelt and proving highly successful at controlling weeds that escaped pre-sowing herbicide control.
“Continuing the development of integrated approaches to weed management is vitally important given that herbicide resistant weeds are increasing nationwide, representing the single largest threat to food security and costing Australian growers more than $200 million ever year,” Dr Young said.
“Herbicide-resistant populations of ryegrass and wild radish are on the rise across Australia, with WA leading the other states with the most resistant populations.”
Making Herbicides Last is included in the May-June edition of Ground Cover and can be downloaded from:
The GRDC, with government, university and commercial partners, has also launched a website – where growers can access the latest information on sustainable herbicide use in Australian agriculture.