April 15, 2013
Koppert India has been granted authorization for five biological beneficials.
The products concerned are Spical (Neoseiulus californicus), Spidex (Phytoseiulus persimilis), Swirski-Mite (Amblyseius swirskii), Aphipar (Aphidius colemani), and Thripor-L (Orius laevigatus). Koppert India therefore now offers a complete biological system combating the most common pests, including thrips, spider mite, and aphids, in vegetable and ornamental crops.
Koppert visits Namdhari Fresh greenhouse in Bangalore. From left to right: Dr. Shivakumar, senior production manager Namdhari Fresh, Henri Oosthoek, managing director Koppert, Udayanarayana Bhat, manager Koppert India and Gyan Sing, greenhouse Manager Namdhari Fresh.
The workings of this system will also be made clear in India with the opening of a demonstration project on 17 April at Namdhari Fresh, a leading Indian fresh produce exporter in Bangalore. The project is an initiative of Koppert and Namdhari and is receiving financial support from the Dutch government.
In the presence of the Dutch and Indian government, more information will be given on biological crop protection and the advantages it offers. Biological crop protection contributes to food safety and food security as residues are reduced, the quality of products improves, and the yield increases. The result is the better marketing of the end products.
Click here for further information about the demonstration project.