December 2, 2011
Chinese scientists develop new method for screening GMOs presence in foods or feeds
November 4, 2011
Production of Bt Tomato to control insect pests in Egypt
October 28, 2011
Huazhong Agricultural University scientists identify Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) involved in grain weight of rice - Discovery could potentially lead to molecular breeding of high yielding rice varieties
October 14, 2011
GE wheat with AlSAP gene exhibits strong tolerance to salinity and drought
Scientists find an effective insertional mutagen for soybean
September 30, 2011
African scientists soon to release striga and drought tolerant sorghum varieties
September 23, 2011
Scientists develop blight resistant potato using ensifer-mediated transformation
Improved phosphate uptake in alfalfa seeds by overexpression of genes from Medicago truncatula
August 26, 2011
Inheritance and mapping of gene controlling beta-carotene in cucumber
Pyramiding of modified Bt genes in chickpea for better resistance to pod borer
August 12, 2011
Simple database to select promoters for plant transgenesis
July 22, 2011
Chinese scientists isolate a multi-stress responsive gene in rice
Scientist study the genetics of peanut yield using mixed model of major gene plus polygene
June 22, 2011
Drought tolerant GM wheat makes great progress in China 作科所抗旱转基因小麦研发取得显著进展
June 17, 2011
Mungbean expressing BjNPR1 show better resistance against seedling rot fungus
December 10, 2010
Bangladesh approves second year field trial of late blight resitant potato
August 6, 2010
India's National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources commercializes state-of-the-art GMO detection technology
July 9, 2010
Researchers map the location of major effect genes in sorghum
May 28, 2010
Seed dormancy: major genetic component of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in white wheat
June 9, 2006
A comparison of U.S. and Chinese sorghum germplasm for early season cold tolerance
May 19, 2006
Bioassay developed for wheat crown rot
January 20, 2006
Outcrossing frequencies and distribution of transgenic oilseed rape in the nearest neighborhood
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