Dewitt, Arkanasa, USA
February 25, 2013

Glyphosate weed resistance continues to explode across the South. For 2013, HBK® Seed has introduced four new varieties with the LibertyLink® trait to help soybean growers across the South manage agronomic risks and maximize profitability.
HBK LL4650, HBK LL4850, HBK LL4950 and HBK LL5450 are the first HBK soybean seed varieties with the LibertyLink trait for full tolerance to Liberty® herbicide. These new varieties join an already powerful HBK portfolio of high-yielding, high-quality soybean products bred for southern growing conditions and that offer outstanding resistance packages for disease and pests.
“HBK soybean seed is bred for the South. Our strong breeding program combines more than 32 years of knowledge about soybean production in southern conditions with world-class trait technology to offer growers seed options that best fit the needs of their operations,” said Troy Hornbeck, U.S. soybean brand operations manager for Bayer CropScience. “Our four new varieties deliver the powerful technology solution southern growers are looking for to minimize their risks.”
By incorporating the LibertyLink system, growers have an effective tool to control glyphosate-resistant weeds such as marestail (horseweed) and Palmer amaranth (pigweed). Growers can use full-labeled rates of Liberty over the top of tough-to-control weeds without damaging their soybean crop, explained Hornbeck.
“With LibertyLink technology, growers have confidence that they can boost their bottom line by controlling yield-robbing weeds,” Hornbeck said. “Our new HBK LibertyLink varieties have been field-tested to be highly effective in southern regions, including those overrun with glyphosate-resistant weeds.“
HBK LL4650 is a mid Group IV variety with high yield potential in the Mid-South and Mid-Atlantic regions. It has a strong disease package, particularly against soybean cyst nematode (SCN), sudden death syndrome (SDS) and frogeye leaf spot.
HBK LL4850 is a late Group IV variety with outstanding yield capability for the Mid-South and Mid-Atlantic regions. This LibertyLink variety is a good option for wet soils with phytophthora root rot (PRR) problems.
HBK LL4950 is a late Group IV variety bred for planting across all southern regions. This LibertyLink variety emerges quickly and provides solid SCN and SDS protection. Field trials the past two years indicated HBK LL4950 has the strongest yields of any late Group IV variety.
HBK LL5450 is a mid Group V variety and a top yield contender in the Mid-South, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. HBK LL5450 is a good protector against SCN and PRR.
HBK LibertyLink soybeans are part of the 2013 LibertyLink LinkUp™ Offer, included in the Bayer CropScience Innovation Plus™ program. Growers who purchase a minimum of 50 acres (based on a seeding rate of 1 acre/unit of soybean seed) of LibertyLink soybean seed will receive a cash-equivalent reward of $5/unit from Bayer CropScience. Seed orders for the 2013 growing season placed between Sept. 1, 2012, and May 1, 2013, are included in the offer.
“This program ensures LibertyLink soybeans, including the HBK LibertyLink varieties, remain a viable and competitive alternative to other herbicide-tolerant technologies in the marketplace,” said Hornbeck.
Bayer CropScience encourages growers to work with their retailer to forecast Liberty herbicide needs when booking their LibertyLink soybeans. For more information on the LinkUp Offer, growers can contact their preferred seed seller or supplier. Additional program details are available at
Soybean growers can get more information on these HBK LibertyLink varieties and other HBK soybean varieties by contacting their local HBK seed retailer or regional agronomist. Additional information is also available by visiting, contacting a local Bayer representative or calling 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937).
For product information on LibertyLink and Liberty application or to reference technical information and recommended best management practices, growers should visit the LibertyLink page on