Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
December 5, 2012
Chris Kelley’s family-owned farm, Kelley Family Farms LLC, operates 4,000 acres of land in Sharpsville, Ind., rotating between corn and soybeans each year. Kelley’s farm includes cash-rented and commercial land, and he also produces seed corn for Beck’s Hybrids© seed company.
“In 2009, I noticed stunting and yellowing of the corn in several locations. My contact at Beck’s Hybrids suggested it might be water damage or a slight nematode problem and recommended Poncho® 1250/VOTiVO® seed treatment,” stated Kelley. “We planted a test plot and didn’t experience stunting and yellowing in the test plot. The Poncho 1250/VOTiVO corn looked healthier, so we decided to use it on our entire corn crop the following year and this year as well.”
Poncho 1250/VOTiVO seed treatment protects young plants from pests during the critical early development stages, which can lead to healthier root development and stronger stands. Applied directly to the seed, its systemic agent is quickly absorbed by new roots, never giving pests the opportunity to strike. Its revolutionary biological component – a unique bacteria strain that lives and grows with young roots – prevents nematodes, including needle, root-lesion, lance, dagger, stubby root, sting, spiral, root-knot, and stunt, from reaching the plant and causing damage.
It protects the whole plant, above and below ground, supporting healthier plant performance, improving vigor and positively impacting yield. The insecticide component of Poncho 1250/ VOTiVO provides powerful control of critical early-season insects, such as black cutworms, wireworms and white grubs, which are commonly found in corn.
“In Indiana, there are three major nematodes we encounter in corn – needle, lance and lesion,” stated Dr. Jamal Faghihi, research and extension nematologist at Purdue University. “Out of these three nematodes, the lance nematode is becoming more of a problem every year because it is parasitic to corn and soybeans and is not dependent on the soil type, moisture or weather.”
Poncho 1250/VOTiVO’s control and suppression of damaging pests, and unique combination of an insecticide and biological seed treatment, represents an exciting proof point of Bayer CropScience’s commitment to cultivating ideas and answers.
“I actually didn’t even realize we had a potential nematode problem. But, after using Poncho 1250/VOTiVO and seeing the difference in our crop, I’m certain nematodes were one of the reasons we were experiencing stunting and yellowing in our corn,” stated Kelley. “The difference was noticeably visible, and the corn treated with Poncho 1250/VOTiVO yielded an increase of 8-to-10 bushels per acre.”
Before finding Poncho 1250/VOTiVO, Kelley used a granular insecticide, and employees had to take special precautions while applying the product and disposing of the bags. “Poncho 1250/VOTiVO is much easier to handle because the product is on the seed and all you have to do is plant it,” stated Kelley.
Since Kelley started using Poncho 1250/VOTiVO, he has experienced less plant stunting and yellowing. He also is seeing improved emergence and earlier growth, especially through the V3 and V4 stages of corn growth.
After seeing the increased yield and positive impact it had on his corn, Kelley plans to continue using Poncho 1250/VOTiVO for the foreseeable future and “absolutely” recommends it for other growers. He has not yet used Poncho®/VOTiVO® on his soybeans but anticipates the opportunity.
“Next year, we’ll probably use some LibertyLink® soybeans, and if Poncho/VOTiVO is available on soybeans, I’m sure we will experiment on the bean side as well,” stated Kelley.
For more information about Poncho/VOTiVO and Poncho 1250/VOTiVO, visit or contact your local sales representative for product information.