Des Moines, Iowa, USA
October 24, 2012
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the single most damaging soybean pest in the United States. Without showing obvious symptoms, many fields are infested without the knowledge of the grower, decreasing yields substantially. Studies have shown that yields in SCN infested fields can be reduced by more than 30 percent without visible above-ground symptoms.
SCN numbers are highest near harvest. Through soil sampling and professional evaluation in the fall, growers can identify field infestation problems and plan accordingly for spring.
Basics of Multi-Year Yield Analysis
Before developing a variable rate seeding (VRS) field prescription, it is important to create management zones, or regions of distinct crop yield potential.Multi-year yield analysis (MYYA) is one tool to create management zones.
MYYA combines multiple years of yield data into a single composite to identify trends in yield patterns and generate management zones. The primary advantage of MYYA is the management zones are based on actual yield history, providing guidance for future productivity.
As an important reminder, MYYA derived management zones are only as good as the data included. DuPont Pioneer research has found that using more years of data can improve the accuracy of zone selection.