September 23, 2012
Bayer CropScience products at your fingertips!
Launching the complete e-guide to all our products.
We have given our Product Manual a digital overhaul, making it available as an online e-book. It can be viewed on smart phones, tablets or laptops using a reader application when needed, whether connected online or not.
It is available for free and can be downloaded via the Bayer CropScience website.
For iPad and iPhone access, simply click on the link and save into iBooks.
For access from other devices (laptops, phones etc), we recommend that you download a compatible epub reader.
There are over 700 pages and the whole document is fully searchable and easy to navigate. You can personalise it by adding your own notes and bookmarks and can print on demand. It can be used to check on the most recent registered product labels and provides direct links to MSDSs and additional product information housed on our website. Anyone using this will be notified when an updated version is available. The update is also free.
A 'how to' guide has also been provided so that you can make the most out of the e-guide functionalities.
This is version #1 and will be enhanced through your feedback over time. Enjoy!