October 2, 2024
Back to the past to understand the present of plant antiviral immunity
March 1, 2024
New insights on the transcriptional regulation of seed germination
January 16, 2024
GenoDrawing: A revolutionary AI tool for predicting complex traits in plants
February 17, 2023
CRAG researchers demonstrate that iron treatment increases plant resistance against rice blast fungus El ferro potencia el sistema immunitari de l'arròs El hierro potencia el sistema inmunitario del arroz
June 23, 2021
An algorithm to measure fruit morphology - CRAG team developes a novel automatized pipeline for comprehensive phenomic analysis of fruit morphology traits to increase plant breeding efficiency in a fast and economical way Un algoritmo para medir la morfología de la fruta Un algoritme per mesurar la morfologia de la fruita
December 1, 2020
CRAG research team discovers a new strategy to achieve plants more tolerant to salinity Descoberta una nova estratègia que permet aconseguir plantes més tolerants a la salinitat Descubierta una nueva estrategia para lograr plantas más tolerantes a la salinidad
May 4, 2020
An excess of phosphate makes rice more susceptible to pathogen infection El uso excesivo de fertilizantes fosfatados pone en peligro los cultivos de arroz
March 2, 2020
"Deep Learning" for the genetic improvement of polyploids - A recently published article shows how modern computational methods can help in the breeding of species with more than two sets of chromosomes.
April 2, 2019
Machine learning for measuring roots Intelligència artificial per mesurar arrels
November 8, 2018
Researchers discover how to generate plants with enhanced drought resistance without penalizing growth
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