Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
December 6, 2011
Recent studies conducted by Auburn University confirm that Poncho®/VOTiVO® provides significant protection from a wide range of nematode plant pests, including soybean cyst nematode (SCN). SCN is the number one pest affecting yields for soybean growers. In 2009, SCN accounted for a nationwide loss of more than $1 billion in 2009.
“Soybeans are susceptible to a variety of nematode pests, including root-knot, soybean cyst nematode and reniform, so you need to protect the seed in the very beginning,” said Kathy Lawrence, Ph.D., Auburn University plant pathologist. “You’re going to have one of those nematodes present in your field, so a seed treatment that would cover any of them would be great insurance to make sure you don’t have a problem in the beginning of the season.”
Poncho/VOTiVO employs a biological mode of action with a unique bacteria strain that colonizes young roots, creating a breakthrough living barrier that keeps important soybean nematode species, including reniform, root-knot, and soybean cyst, from reaching the root. This seed treatment also provides control of many critical early-season insect pests, including early-season aphids, overwintering bean leaf beetles, grape colaspis, seed corn maggots and wireworms.
“We found that VOTiVO colonizes corn, cotton and soybeans for up to 12 weeks after application to the seed,” said Joe Kloepper, Ph.D., Auburn University biologist. “This means that it will provide long-lasting plant protection when compared to traditional chemicals applied to the seed.”
Further research indicates that the biological component of Poncho/VOTiVO can have an effect on SCN mobility. In laboratory tests conducted at Auburn University, nematode mobility was decreased and the juvenile SCN became partially paralyzed over the span of 48 hours. The loss of mobility could prevent the nematode from moving toward and penetrating soybean roots, resulting in reduced populations around the root as well as a reduction in the second generation of nematodes, 30 to 60 days post planting of soybean.