June 17, 2022
Gene interaction that contributes to rice heat tolerance identified - Molecular pinpoint could lead to more heat resistant rice cultivation, researchers say
April 21, 2022
Researchers boost rice yield by overcoming trait tradeoff between panicle number and size
February 25, 2022
New study sheds light on seed vigor control in rice
October 25, 2021
MYB70: Important transcription factor modulating seed germination and root development
August 18, 2021
Maize stover mulching in no-till farming would promote crop yield
July 6, 2021
Chinese researchers reveal the synergistic interplay of stress hormone and growth hormone
June 9, 2021
Overexpression transcription factor in plant improves drought tolerance
May 24, 2021
Wheat hybrid necrosis gene Ne2 provides leaf rust resistance and valuable for breeding new cultivars
May 13, 2021
Scientists uncover how resistance proteins protect plants from pathogens
April 29, 2021
Research reveals mechanism of salinity tolerance in Italian ryegrass
January 7, 2021
Chinese scientists uncover gene for rice adaption to low soil nitrogen
April 21, 2020
Prime editing optimized for rice and wheat - Prime editing, a new genome editing approach, has great potential for plant breeding and functional genomic research (Asian Scientist)
May 1, 2019
Scientists reveal the relationship between root microbiome and nitrogen use efficiency in rice
August 21, 2018
Seeding a new green revolution - Researchers at the University of Oxford and the Chinese Academy of Sciences discover a new gene which improves yields of cereal crops such as wheat and rice, using less fertilizer
July 17, 2018
Scientists reveal expression networks and inheritance patterns in castor bean seeds
June 20, 2018
Deficit drip irrigation techniques help to improve cotton production in Xinjiang: study
June 5, 2018
Chinese scientists boost the production of oil plant Sapium sebiferum by "transsexual surgery" on its flowers
January 18, 2018
Scientists find a "thermostat" in plant immunity
December 19, 2017
Chinese scientists reveal a novel signaling pathway for chilling tolerance in rice
October 30, 2017
The Genome Variation Map: a data repository of genome variations in BIG Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
September 5, 2017
Dissection of genetic network underlying important agronomic traits accelerates modern breeding in soybean
August 18, 2017
Transcriptome association explains wheat spike architecture
May 25, 2017
Scientists reveal epigenetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening
May 17, 2017
New strains of rice may help fight China's diabetes scourge (Bloomberg)
April 7, 2017
A PP2C allele underlying a QTL enhances seed weight in soybean
March 6, 2017
Researchers develop a new genome editing technology via a designed toxin-antitoxin cassette
March 2, 2017
Making smaller splashes for pesticides - A solution that clings to plant leaves could make pesticide application more efficient and minimize soil contamination
December 15, 2016
H2O2 and Ca2+ signals intergrated to enhance perennial ryegrass acclimation to salt stresses
October 10, 2016
Chinese scientists control major cotton disease, verticillium dahliae wilt, with gene technology
July 19, 2016
Scientists find solution to cotton verticillium wilt
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