February 7, 2014
Strategies given for two-pass weed control systems (AgriNews)
Precision management for crop protection becomes more common (Farm Industry News)
January 29, 2014
Bayer CropScience showcases the benefits of biologicals as part of integrated crop solutions on America’s Heartland - Crop Science leader’s efforts in offering innovative tools to support crop protection featured on National Public Television program airing Feb. 5, 6, and 9, 2014
January 17, 2014
Zero tolerance weed control
January 8, 2014
TwinLink Technology from Bayer CropScience now available for 2014 growing season in FiberMax and Stoneville cotton varieties - New technology gives growers a powerful weed and pest management tool
January 5, 2014
New Bayer CropScience fluency agent helps reduce dust during the planting of treated seed (AG Web)
December 23, 2013
Bayer CropScience's fungicide Luna for potatoes (AgInfo.net)
December 19, 2013
Bayer CropScience, AGI introduce STORM, on-farm seed applicator - New seed treatment applicator streamlines the seed treatment process (Farms.com)
December 12, 2013
Bayer CropScience showcases broadacre innovation at ASTA - Company has a multifaceted approach to research, development and grower solutions help lead crop technology forward
December 7, 2013
Bayer CropScience's new planter seed lubricant (AG Professional)
November 26, 2013
New seed treatment application technology from Bayer CropScience helps reduce dust exposure to bees (Cotton 24/7)
November 11, 2013
Bayer CropScience and Cargill introduce InVigor Health hybrid canola for U.S. farmers
October 23, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience introduces Specticle plus Fertilizer
October 21, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience debuts Serenade Optimum to help growers control tough diseases and combat resistance
October 17, 2013
Bayer CropScience panel: herbicide-resistant weeds threaten U.S. farms - International weed-resistance experts advocate diverse farming techniques to battle “monster weeds”
October 14, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience launches My Bayer Rewards customer loyalty portal
September 13, 2013
Seed treatments like Poncho/VOTiVO are applied by the milligram (AG Professional)
September 7, 2013
Bayer CropScience's new trait repeals soybean cyst nematode (AgWeb)
August 30, 2013
USA - Bayer releases Huskie Complete, a new wheat herbicide (AgWired)
August 28, 2013
Growers rave about new planter lubricant technology from Bayer CropScience - Technology lowers dust during planting, further reducing honey bee exposure
July 15, 2013
Bayer CropScience to introduce a new class of chemistry as alternative to imidacloprid (Western Farm Press)
July 10, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience announces that post-emergent herbicide Tribute Total has been approved for use on zoysiagrass
May 29, 2013
Soybean seed treater reports added benefits with On Demand System from Bayer SeedGrowth (CropLife)
Bayer CropScience breaks ground on North American Bee Care Center - State-of-the-art facility will address honey bee health through collaboration, education and research
May 25, 2013
Benefit from the revolutionary On Demand system powered by Bayer SeedGrowth
April 2, 2013
Beekeepers, researchers and Bayer CropScience Associate overwintering bee losses with varroa mite
March 21, 2013
Bayer CropScience herbicides are consistent, dependable (Brownfield)
March 5, 2013
Bayer CropScience announces seed innovation at Pollinator Summit
February 28, 2013
Bayer CropScience features integrated solutions at Commodity Classic
February 26, 2013
Planning for 2013 crops following a drought
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