February 26, 2013
Farmers do more with less thanks to Ultra Low Use Rate technology from Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience and MS Technologies’ Balance GT soybean to usher in next era of performance and weed control
February 25, 2013
New HBK LibertyLink varieties from Bayer CropScience help Southern U.S. soybean growers combat weed resistance
February 15, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience introduces Bayer Specticle G, a pre-emergent herbicide (Total Landscape Care)
February 7, 2013
Bayer CropScience talks weed control with AgProfessional
January 14, 2013
USA - Bayer CropScience mobile lab touts crop protection (The Herald-Sun)
January 9, 2013
Bayer CropScience showcases season-long solutions at 2013 Potato Expo in Las Vegas
December 13, 2012
Control your 2013 season with early weed management - Managing weeds before they emerge provides the foundation for success – whatever challenges the season brings
December 5, 2012
Poncho/VOTiVO improves corn emergence and yield for Indiana farmer
Bayer CropScience provides a glimpse of SeedGrowth innovation - SeedGrowth efforts focusing on sudden death syndrome solution and expanding biological capabilities
October 9, 2012
FiberMax, Stoneville app makes seed selection process easier (Delta Farm Press)
October 3, 2012
Bayer CropScience' FiberMax and Stoneville Variety Selector Tool app makes seed selection process easier
September 24, 2012
Bayer CropScience Product Manual E-Book
August 14, 2012
Respect the Rotation event in Minnesota reinforces best management practices
July 13, 2012
Planting treated seed and responsible stewardship
June 15, 2012
Bayer CropScience launches its Product Guide, Weed Guide and Pest Spotter apps at Cereals 2012 (Farmers Weekly)
May 23, 2012
Bayer CropScience’s EverGol seed treatment fungicide for cotton, canola and wheat receives U.S. EPA registration
Bayer CropScience's Emesto Silver potato treatment for management of Rhizoctionia and other critical diseases to launch in the U.S.
April 23, 2012
New seed treatment options for Indiana soybean growers (Hoosier Ag Today)
April 6, 2012
Life without Temik: what’s next for peanut growers? (Southeast Farm Press)
February 21, 2012
U.S. wheat growers will have new herbicide in weed control toolbox this year (The Prairie Star)
January 24, 2012
USA - Enhanced LibertyLink LinkUp Offer gives season-long benefits (Ag Weekly)
December 6, 2011
Poncho/VOTiVO from Bayer CropScience effective against soybean cyst nematodes
November 2, 2011
Seven steps to better weed control (agriculture.com)
October 28, 2011
Cotton growers in Virginia and North Carolina use unique weed control approach (Southeast Farm Press)
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