Steps to minimize losses from three important soybean diseases
MIssouri, USA
March 8, 2011
By Laura Sweets
When asked which soybean diseases consistently cause losses and which are most difficult to manage both producers and agri-business personnel in Missouri list Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. All three of these diseases are caused by pathogens that are present in the soil, all three are found
in all soybean producing areas of the state and all three can be difficult to manage. Management options for these three diseases rely primarily on preventative measures
since effective rescue treatments are not available. These three soybean diseases along with management options are described below. For additional information and color
pictures please see the University of Missouri Extension bulletin IPM1002 Soybean Diseases.
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More solutions from: University of Missouri
Website: Published: March 8, 2011 |