November 30, 2020
How will the Covid pandemic affect processing tomato supply and demand in 2021/22? From the presentation by Martin Stilwell, President of Tomato News SAS, during the Tomato News Online Conference held on November 17, 2020 (Tomato News)
November 27, 2020
Italy: the best agronomic solutions to increase the quality of industrial tomatoes (Tomato News)
ToBRFV, the top priority for the end of the year? (Tomato News)
November 3, 2020
Architecture of the Global Tomato Products Trade 2019/2020 Architecture des Échanges Mondiaux 2019/2020 de Dérivés de Tomate
October 27, 2020
World Processing Tomato Council's preliminary 2020 global crop estimate (Tomato News)
October 5, 2020
Canada - Ontario: processigng tomato production holding steady in Chatham-Kent (Tomato News)
September 29, 2020
California: Impact of increasing temperatures (Tomato News)
August 28, 2020
European Unio: new measures to prevent the spread of the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)
August 18, 2020
Publication: Genomic designing for climate-smart tomato
August 4, 2020
New processing tomato plants to be launched in Iran, Pakistan (Tomato News)
July 21, 2020
Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on California agriculture
June 29, 2020
Infographics: The top 20 producing countries between 1994 and 2019 (Tomato News) Infographie: Evolution des 20 principaux producteurs entre 1994 et 2019
June 16, 2020
14th World Tomato Processing Congress in San Juan, Argentina postponed to March 6-10, 2022 (Tomato News)
June 12, 2020
ANICAV, Italy’s National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fruit and Vegetable Products, sets up 'organic tomato products' division L’ANICAV, l'Association Nationale italienne des Industries des Conserves de produits d'origine végétale, crée une section « dérivés de tomate biologiques
June 2, 2020
Portugal: review of twenty-five years of tomato harvests (Tomato News) Portugal : retour sur vingt-cinq années de campagnes
Tomato News editorial: What troubled times!
May 12, 2020
Global trade of tomato products in 2018/2019 (Tomato News)
May 8, 2020
May 6, 2020
Spain - Extremadura: increase in the contracted tomato acreage Estrémadure : hausse des surfaces de tomates sous contrat
April 27, 2020
Argentina - The tomato processing industry
April 17, 2020
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) - April 2020 update (Tomato News) Dernières nouvelles, avril 2020
April 15, 2020
California: COVID-19 pandemic adds turmoil to tomato season - The 2020 tomato crop is being planted into a world of uncertainty (Tomato News)
March 20, 2020
New dates for the 16th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato: 8-11 November, 2020 - Call for papers is reopened
Emergenza Coronavirus in Italia, la filiera del pomodoro è operativa (Tomato News) Urgence coronavirus : la filière industrielle italienne de la tomate est opérationnelle
March 17, 2020
CoViD-19: mobilization of the tomato industry (Tomato News)
February 4, 2020
Provisional program of the 16th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato (Tomato News)
January 30, 2020
Provisional program of the 16th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato
January 28, 2020
Italy to invest in tomato project in Egypt (Tomato News)
January 2, 2020
California: Climate considerations for processing tomatoes (Tomato News)
November 26, 2019
Non-tomato lycopene? AI-driven automated system can help design biochemical pathways to produce lycopene (Tomato News)
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