February 4, 2025
CIAT-Forages Program completes EBS adoption through knowledge exchange with CG-Breeding Resource Services
December 12, 2024
Guinea grass reference genome to open new territories in forage breeding
August 12, 2024
Bolivia - El Centro de Investigación de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) ofrece semillas de arroz de alta calidad para la nueva siembra (El Mundo)
March 5, 2024
La COP16: ¿la agricultura contribuye a la biodiversidad?
April 18, 2023
Landmark partnership guarantees long-term support for globally important collections of beans and forages
September 7, 2022
Indian scientist wins Norman E Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application 2022 for creating world’s first biofortified pearl millet (The Better India)
September 6, 2022
Celebrating 25 years of bean research in Africa
August 30, 2022
How do quality seed systems impact food and nutrition security?
May 10, 2022
50 years of traditional crop conservation a success but some crops still lack protection
May 9, 2022
Call to action for fit-for-purpose and resilient native tree seed systems that meet global forest and landscape restoration targets during the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
October 20, 2021
Crop diversity is needed today for tomorrow’s food security and nutrition - Science can help mitigate, stem, and reverse loss of genetic diversity, for better productivity, resilience, and adaptive capacity in agriculture, a new study shows
July 8, 2021
Community seed banks as seed producers: Cases from India, Nepal, Uganda and Zimbabwe
July 7, 2021
From eyebrow beans to 'lost' rice: community seedbanks are protecting China's crops
April 23, 2021
Researchers lobby for seed banks to ensure diversity, food security
March 23, 2021
Latin American researchers use gene editing to breed hardier crops (Fresh Fruit Portal)
December 1, 2020
Surprising trove of sorghum diversity discovered in Australia -- but it's disappearing fast - Researchers found wild relatives of sorghum in higher concentrations in Australia than anywhere else; the plants have potential to combat drought and extreme heat, but they need urgent safeguarding
November 2, 2020
What digital revolution? Hundreds of millions of farmers still cannot get online
September 21, 2020
Farmer knowledge is key to finding more resilient crops in climate crisis - A warming climate threatens crop diversity; the 'Seeds for Needs' approach combines farmers' knowledge of resilient crops with 'elite' varieties identified by scientists
September 7, 2020
CGIAR Centers join efforts to launch an Agronomy Research and Innovation initiative to support agricultural productivity growth in the global South
August 31, 2020
Eating your vegetables is easier said than done - The landmark EAT-Lancet report on food in the Anthropocene sets ambitious targets; putting it into action, however, will require policymakers to make sustainable food systems a top-level priority; a new article charts a path forward
June 18, 2020
Scientists unlock secrets of Ethiopia's superfood, teff, in race to save it from warming climate
June 17, 2020
Artificial intelligence goes underground: root crop growth predicted with drone imagery - Using machine learning, scientists can analyze drone images shot above the soil to understand how root crops respond to drought or heat beneath the soil. The Pheno-i platform relays real-time data to scientists, to breed more climate-resilient crops
June 11, 2020
An essential sustainable farming practice faces one big limitation: Land to produce seeds
Caring for the seeds of the future during the quarantine
May 19, 2020
Game-changing technologies to transform our food systems
March 5, 2020
Cool beans: A vertical crop fit for Africa's changing climate and nutritional gaps
December 13, 2019
The wild relatives of major vegetables, needed for climate resilience, are in danger - The wild relatives of chile peppers, pumpkins, carrots, and lettuce join a growing list of poorly conserved plant species; these ancient plants have genes that may help our food withstand the harsh climate of our future; if they don't go extinct first
Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance co-winner of US$1 million Al-Sumait prize
October 29, 2019
Heinrich-Heine Univeristy-led research consortium wants to eliminate dangerous plant diseases in rice HHU-geführtes Forschungskonsortium will gefährliche Pflanzenseuche beim Reis ausrotten
October 16, 2019
Artificial intelligence and farmer knowledge boost smallholder maize yields
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