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News archive 1997-2008
AgReliant Genetics, LLC

August 13, 2024

2025 AgriGold products position farmers to achieve performance goals - High standards, extensive testing and world-class genetics underlie its new seed offerings

July 23, 2024

A hands-on approach to field evaluations benefits farmers - LG Seeds agronomist says test plots build confidence in new products

July 16, 2024

Day or night, corn is working hard to build yield - AgriGold agronomists explore what happens in the corn field 24 hours a day

July 1, 2024

Investments in getting kernels right (AgriNews)

June 24, 2024

Support corn tassel development for optimal yields - AgriGold agronomist offers tips to mitigate stress during this key phase

June 7, 2024

Get the most out of late-planted corn and soybean crops - A simple but powerful tool for gauging corn crop prospects

May 20, 2024

Unleash the power of the shovel when evaluating crops - A simple but powerful tool for gauging corn crop prospects

May 15, 2024

Enhancing corn ear size to maximize yield - A season-long look at practices that encourage kernel growth

May 10, 2024

Set your crop up for success during its rapid growth phase - A good fertility program can help crops thrive, even when weather is challenging

April 30, 2024

Plant with harvest goals in mind - LG Seeds agronomist says end-of-season objectives can help farmers set planting order

April 9, 2024

Days 1-28 are critical for building corn yield - AgriGold agronomist offers advice for nailing the start of the growing season

April 2, 2024

Details matter when pushing to new yield levels - Find out what it takes to build a 250- or 300-bushel-an-acre corn crop

March 18, 2024

Strategies for success: Planting soybeans early - Get tips to unlock the full potential for planting soybeans early

February 20, 2024

Does your hybrid flex by girth, length or kernel depth? The answer should guide your management strategy, say AgriGold agronomists 

January 24, 2024

Dynamic Field GX rankings demonstrate value of genetic diversity - The stars aligned for Family H in 2023, but next season will likely bring a new leader

November 14, 2023

LG Seeds agronomists’ takeaways after a challenging season - 2023 emphasized the value of spreading risk with seed choices

October 30, 2023

If you want strong test weights, choose hybrids wisely - Many factors drive test weights, but hybrid selection is the biggest, says LG Seeds agronomist

October 10, 2023

Red crown rot threatens U.S. Midwest soybean yields - AgriGold agronomist encourages farmers to scout fields now for fungal disease 

October 3, 2023

Diverse genetics drive performance in any environment - AgriGold’s Field GX families help farmers manage risk and maximize return on investment

September 27, 2023

Tar spot is lurking. Are you protected? Choose tolerant hybrids, monitor the environment and have a plan if lesions appear 

September 20, 2023

More industry-leading seed options for LG Seeds customers - The brand will add 28 new corn hybrids and 26 soybean varieties to its lineup in 2024

August 31, 2023

AgReliant Genetics announces senior leadership changes - Brian Barker named new CEO and David Pugh announced as CFO 

May 4, 2023

Slow-emerging crops may be vulnerable to pest pressure - Farmers planting into cool, wet soils should prioritize seed with strong emergence  

April 11, 2023

If your corn stands aren’t uniform, you’re likely leaving yield on the table - 
Uneven emergence sacrifices kernel counts and weights, warns AgriGold agronomist 

March 29, 2023

Don’t skip these four steps when planting into conservation systems - LG Seeds agronomist shares management shifts for a successful season

March 27, 2023

U.S. EPA narrows dicamba application window for some areas - If weather stalls planting and deadlines loom, AgriGold agronomists say farmers still have options 

February 21, 2023

AgriGold: Study shows the early planting yield advantage is real

February 14, 2023

Get Crops Started on the Right Foot with Seed Treatments - Protect crops against early threats and provide an early nutritional boost

February 8, 2023

Tolerant hybrids are the first line of defense against tar spot - Expert speakers at Tar Spot Summit bring latest insights in combatting corn disease 

January 30, 2023

From seed selection to equipment prep, farmers stay busy during the off-season - AgriGold agronomists can be a resource as farmers ready for spring 



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