December 4, 2023
INRAE and JRC renew their collaboration for four year
May 3, 2021
Joint Research Center of the European Commission - Deliberate release into the environment of plants GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (experimental releases) : Potato with altered resistance to pathogens (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
March 26, 2021
European Union - Deliberate release into the environment of plants GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (experimental releases): Confined in-field trial production of transgenic barley, comparison of cultivars for processing and purification of non-food/non-feed proteins (molecular farming)
November 10, 2020
European Union - Deliberate release into the environment of plants GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (experimental releases): Characterization of tobacco cv K326 plants derived (by self-pollination) from lines FT3-4, FT15-5, SPL2-3, SPL10-5, SPL11-3, SPL15-1, SPL22-2, FT-SPL3-7, FT-SPL4-7, FT-SPL5-1, FT-SPL7-4 y FT-SPL9-8 (with mutations in the sequence of SPL and/or FT endogenous genes generated by CRISPR/Cas9 that give a non-flowering and/or juvenility phenotype); and lines MPO24-1-4-2, MPO24-1-7-1, BBL133 y BBL135 (with mutations in the sequence of MPO1 or BBLs endogenous genes generated by CRISPR/Cas9 that give phenotypes with different alkaloid composition). 2021 campaign.
European Union - Deliberate release into the environment of plants GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (experimental releases): Evaluation of an intragenic tobacco line (T33SQL49) enriched in squalene - 2021 campaign
April 9, 2020
February 7, 2020
Joint Research Center of the European Commission - Deliberate release into the environment of plants GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (experimental releases) : Scientific field evaluation of maize with modified growth characteristics (VIB - Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie)
August 2, 2018
European Commission, Joint Research Center - Part C Risk Assessment Report (placing on the market of GMOs as or in products) published: C/NL/06/01_001 (Renewal)
July 31, 2018
Joint Research Center of the European Commission - Part C Risk Assessment (placing on the market of GMOs as or in products) published
July 4, 2017
Extreme weather conditions and climate change account for 40% of global wheat production variability
December 14, 2016
Framework for assessing the socio-economic impacts of Bt maize cultivation
November 7, 2016
European Commission JRC - Part C Assessment Report C/NL/04/02_001 (placing on the market of GMOs as or in products) published
June 21, 2016
Soil quality key for future food security, better data is vital
May 6, 2016
European Commission JRC publishes 1 new summary notification
March 23, 2016
European Commission JRC publishes 2 new summary notifications
March 8, 2016
International partners join to reduce postharvest losses in sub-Saharan Africa
February 25, 2016
European Commission JRC publishes 4 new summary notifications
December 1, 2015
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - DNA sequences in GMOs: largest database now publicly available
September 11, 2015
Nano in food and agriculture: regulations require collaboration to ensure safety
May 27, 2014
New JRC GMO-Matrix helps increase efficiency of GMO screening Científicos del JRC crean ‘GMO-Matrix’, un nuevo sistema para la detección de OMGs en la cadena alimentaria
March 6, 2014
February 17, 2014
European Commission JRC publishes 1 new summary notifications
February 4, 2014
January 28, 2014
November 12, 2013
European Union - Part C Risk Assessment (placing on the market of GMOs as or in products) published today
July 30, 2013
May 7, 2013
European Commission JRC publishes 2 new summary notifications (plants)
April 26, 2013
Spotlight on Africa's life source – first Soil Atlas of Africa Zoom sur les ressources de l'Afrique: premier Atlas des sols d'Afrique Afrikas Ressourcen im Blickpunkt: erster afrikanischer Bodenatlas Riflettori sulla fonte di vita dell'Africa: il primo atlante pedologico del continente Os recursos vitais de África em foco - primeiro Atlas dos Solos de África
March 20, 2013
February 21, 2013
European Commission JRC publishes 5 new summary notifications (plants)
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