February 3, 2011
European Commission JRC publishes two new summary notifications
January 28, 2011
European Commission JRC publishes a new summary notification
January 11, 2011
European Commission JRC publishes a new summary notification: Field trials with Rhizomania resistant SBVR111 sugar beet, glyphosate tolerant H7-1 sugar beet and stacked SBVR111 x H7-1 sugar beet to be carried out between 2011 and 2014 in the Czech Republic
December 23, 2010
European Community JRC publishes a new summary notification
December 13, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 2 new summary notifications
November 10, 2010
New reference report from the Joint Research Center of the European Commission lists 79 reference methods for GMO analysis which have been validated according to international standards
October 26, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 1 new summary notification: B/CZ/10/2 - Field evaluation of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) lines and hybrids derived from transformation event H7-1 tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate
October 14, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes summary notification: B/CZ/10/1 - Project title: Field trials with glyphosate tolerant H7-1 sugar beets in the Czech Republic (KWS Osiva s.r.o.)
September 27, 2010
GMO research: Report by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre on concrete measures to avoid mixing of GM and conventional maize
September 21, 2010
The EU Legislation on GMOs - An overview
August 4, 2010
European Commission forecasts average crop production for 2010 in the EU despite extreme weather
May 11, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 6 new summary notifications (plant)
April 12, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 1 new summary notification (plant)
March 23, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 5 new summary notifications (plants)
March 11, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 4 new summary notifications (plants)
March 1, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 13 new summary notifications (plants)
February 24, 2010
European Comission JRC publishes 15 new summary notifications (plants)
February 10, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 2 new summary notifications (plants)
February 9, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 1 new summary notification (plants)
February 1, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 7 summary notifications (plants)
January 29, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 2 summary notifications (plants)
January 27, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes 10 summary notifications (plants)
January 19, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes five summary notifications (plants)
January 11, 2010
European Commission JRC publishes two summary notifications (Plants)
December 18, 2009
European Commission JRC publishes 6 summary notifications (Plants)
December 1, 2009
European Commission JRC notifications: - Assessment of expression profile and substantial equivalence of different transgenic potatoes with pharmaceutical and technical traits - Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for the deliberate release of glyphosate tolerant H7-1 sugarbeet for the use in field trials in Castilla y León (Spain)
September 7, 2009
Growing number of genetically modified crops worldwide could disrupt international trade
April 3, 2009
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs: 10 new summary notifications have been published today
News archive for this company
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