February 15, 2023
Researchers decode 95.6% of the genome of Nicotiana benthamiana
February 7, 2022
Underwater 'breathing' plants could be key to stress-resistant crops - Researchers examine the formation of air channels in wetland plants, a protective trait that makes them resilient to environmental stresses
January 18, 2022
Unravelling how roots adapt to environmental stresses
November 23, 2021
Nagoya University research team produces 30% sweeter tomato via gene-editing technology (The Japan News)
November 16, 2021
Japanese university research team produces 30% sweeter tomato via gene-editing technology (The Japan News)
August 25, 2021
Researchers created a novel AI analysis technique that allows live imaging and concurrent analysis of wheat stomata (AZO Cleantech)
August 23, 2021
New live analysis system for plant stomata, signals exciting progress in climate-change resistant crop development
June 1, 2021
Scientists identify protein that activates plant response to nitrogen deficiency
March 31, 2021
December 2, 2020
Peeking into the pods of black soybeans - Scientists are getting closer to figuring out how to synthesize a plant pigment that could have medicinal uses
September 23, 2020
A new method for in vivo plant cell imaging with SNAP-tag proteins
September 14, 2020
Scientists find an enzyme that facilitates grafting between different family species
August 26, 2020
Antagonistic genes modify rice plant growth
April 27, 2020
Training instance segmentation neural network with synthetic datasets for seed phenotyping - Development of an efficient method to accelerate the development of machine learning models for plant phenotyping Neuronales Netz mit synthetischen Datensätzen für die Saatgut-Phänotypisierung zur Segmentierung von Trainingsinstanzen
February 12, 2019
The International Rice Research Institute and Nagoya University strengthen partnership in rice research and education
March 13, 2018
Flood, drought and disease tolerant -- one gene to rule them all
September 20, 2017
More mouths can be fed by boosting number of plant pores ~ Discovery of small molecules that increases the number of stomata on plant leaves
March 27, 2017
Nitrogen foraging ability of plants relies on mobile shoot-root hormone signal - Research at Nagoya University uncovers molecular shoot-to-root signal in nitrogen-starved plants, revealing role for mobile plant hormone
February 14, 2017
New peptide hormone aids waterproof barrier formation in plant root
December 5, 2016
Highly efficient genome engineering in flowering plants ~ Development of a rapid method to knockout genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
November 13, 2016
Plant’s POEM: “No need to fertilize, for increase in seed size” ~ Expectations for robust crop production under various environmental condition
August 10, 2016
Human selection pressure on novel peptide aided domestication of Asian rice
August 21, 2015
Green light of hope to overcome Striga-triggered food insecurity in Africa - Fluorescent turn-on probe identifies the 'wake-up protein' in witchweed seeds
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