August 9, 2018
New world order of biotech cotton on the horizon (Grain Central)
July 5, 2018
Australia - Roundup Ready canola: growers’ choice for weed control
May 31, 2018
Australia - Groups joining forces in pledge to get more women into their ranks (The Weekly Times)
January 30, 2018
Australia - Monsanto's Bollgard 3 varieties dominate cotton plantings (Grain Central)
December 4, 2017
Aussie Cotton grants boost community programs - $600,000 distributed to more than 100 community groups over four years
November 17, 2017
Food Standards Australia New Zealand - A1154 – Food derived from insect-protected cotton line MON88702
August 14, 2017
Australia - Monsanto accredits 57 new GM cotton growers (Weekly Times)
April 21, 2017
Monsanto's Bollgard 3 not registered for cottonseed exports to China (Weekly Times)
April 5, 2017
New GM technology paves the way for northern Australia's cotton dreams (ABC Online)
March 9, 2017
Austalia - New GM cotton on trial (The West Australian)
January 6, 2017
New app from Monsanto Australia puts grain pricing information in the hands of growers
December 20, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 145 - Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial release of genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance - Monsanto Australia Limited
December 14, 2016
Australia - Cotton returns to strength with largest area planted since 2011
December 13, 2016
Australia - Cotton grants bearing fruit for local communities
November 28, 2016
Australia - Consumer demand for flavour driving competition, investment in tomato sector
October 24, 2016
Australian cotton farmers adopt new GM technology at fastest rate seen
October 21, 2016
Western Australian farmers, agriculture to benefit from GM repeal
September 13, 2016
InterGrain shange in ownership
August 17, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 147 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Monsanto Australia Limited
July 18, 2016
Australian Roundup Ready canola area up 2.5% (Agra-net)
July 14, 2016
Western Australian growers stick with GM canola to boost farm production
June 30, 2016
Australia - Cotton communities to benefit from a further $150k in grants
June 6, 2016
Consumers and a changing climate to speed up farmer innovation
May 17, 2016
Streit um Lizenzgebühren für Monsantos Sojasaatgut (Top Agrar)
May 6, 2016
Australia - Grants program continues to reward sustainable cotton farming
April 7, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 145 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance from Monsanto Australia Ltd.
March 16, 2016
Monsanto appoints Tony May as Managing Director of its operations in Australia and New Zealand
February 23, 2016
Australia - Genetically modified cotton gets extra gene to keep insects at bay (ABC)
February 17, 2016
20 years of innovation marked by a world first for Australian farmers
February 12, 2016
Australia - A chance to move beyond this unfortunate legal dispute
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