August 4, 2020
Limagrain Zaad South Africa – a new force in the seed industry
August 3, 2020
Création d’une joint-venture en Afrique du Sud dédiée aux grandes cultures
Vilmorin & Cie. reaches a new state in its development in Africa with the creation of a joint venture in South Africa dedicated to field seeds Vilmorin & Cie. franchit une nouvelle étape dans son dévelopment en Afrique avec la création dune joint0venture en Afrique du Sud dédiée aux grandes cultures
April 23, 2017
Le semencier sud-africain Klein Karoo veut faire son entrée sur le marché kenyan (Agence Ecofin)
April 18, 2017
Zimbabwe seed company Klein Karoo eyes East African market (Southern Times Africa)
April 13, 2017
Klein Karoo Seed Marketing Zimbabwe's drive towards sustainable agriculture (NewsDay)
April 6, 2017
Klein Karoo Zimbabwe targets 6 000t of maize seed for 2017 agricultural season (News Day)
March 22, 2017
New WEMA maize hybrid shows resistance to stem borers in South Africa
June 10, 2015
Agriseeds Zimbabwe expected to increase sales by 50 percent following its proposed acquisition by ZAAD Investment Limited’s seed manufacturing subsidiary Klein Karoo Saad Bemarking (Zimbabwe Daily)
January 13, 2015
ZAAD Investment Limited’s seed manufacturing subsidiary Klein Karoo Saad Bemarking to acquire stake in Agriseeds Zimbabwe (The Herald)
November 1, 2013
Approved merger between Zaad Holdings Limited and Klein Karoo Saad Bemarking (Pty) Ltd.
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