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News archive 1997-2008
University of Georgia

February 22, 2016

Researchers trace peanut crop back to its Bolivian roots

Sugarcane aphids make growing sorghum difficult for Georgia farmers

December 23, 2015

University of Georgia gets best bang for buck for research in U.S., analysis says (Online Athens)

November 2, 2015

USA - Adverse conditions make growing pumpkins in south Georgia difficult

August 23, 2015

University of Georgia agronomists research effectiveness of late-planted soybeans

August 19, 2015

Peanut genomics gains momentum towards better varieties (Southeast Farm Press)

August 6, 2015

U.S. universities market alternatives to Monsanto's patented GMO seeds (Crop Protection News)

July 27, 2015

University of Georgia names The Turfgrass Group licensing & marketing agent for new drought tolerant TifTuf Bermudagrass

July 23, 2015

University of Georgia establishes turfgrass breeding endowment (Golf Course Industry)

July 22, 2015

USA - Calcium-related disorder impacts Georgia's bell pepper production

June 25, 2015

New variety of watermelon could benefit organic farmers (The Oconee Enterprise)

June 4, 2015

University of Georgia researchers edit plant DNA using mechanism evolved in bacteria

May 29, 2015

University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist seeking to improve squash crop (Growing Georgia)

May 15, 2015

Characterization and Validation of Molecular Markers Linked to Heat and Drought Tolerance for Marker Assisted Selection of Stress-tolerant Creeping Bentgrass

April 10, 2015

University of Georgia entomologist researching thrips in order to control tomato spotted wilt virus (Growing Georgia)

March 31, 2015

UGA horticulturist believes shading bell peppers increases yields, extends growing season

March 23, 2015

Cotton variety selection key to overcoming low prices

March 17, 2015

Steps to strategically manage cotton nematodes in 2015 (Southeast Farm Press)

January 31, 2015

University of Georgia researchers breeding more profitable seed for organic farmers

January 24, 2015

Plant breeder joins ranks of noted inventors - Retired horticulture professor has introduced more than 200 varieties to the gardening market (MNN)

January 21, 2015

Decisions now and products to know for better disease control (Southeast Farm Press)

January 19, 2015

University of Georgia physiologist John Snider wins national award during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences

December 20, 2014

Additions at  University of Georgia Tifton's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences expected to boost program (The Tifton Gazette)

November 9, 2014

University of Georgia weed scientist Tim Grey receives D.W. Brooks Award for research on herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth and management strategies to replace methyl bromide (The Tifton Gazette)

October 24, 2014

AGSouth Genetics LLC and the University of Georgia Research Foundation win lawsuit to enforce plant variety protection

August 22, 2014

Canola genome sequence reveals evolutionary ‘love triangle’

April 2, 2014

First peanut genome sequenced - The International Peanut Genome Initiative releases first peanut genome sequences

October 4, 2013

USAID-supported project to apply genomics research to sorghum improvement

September 17, 2013

The root cause - Team narrows search for parasite that destroys soybean yields

May 21, 2013

USAID grant to fund global UGA peanut research

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