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News archive 1997-2008
University of Georgia

March 7, 2019

Fungicide resistance spells trouble for Georgia, Virginia vegetable farmers

February 8, 2019

USA - Cotton farmers should beware of increased herbicide resistance

December 18, 2018

Human taste testers and modern genomics: University of Georgia scientists aim to breed better tomatoes one bite at a time

November 13, 2018

University of Georgia researchers find that one genetic mechanism is responsible for controlling the shape of tomatoes as well as the length of potato tubers

November 1, 2018

University of Georgia study links cottonseed oil with lower cholesterol

July 24, 2018

University of Georgia crop geneticists awarded $935,000 to breed softer cotton and more resilient peanuts

July 12, 2018

University of Georgia cantaloupe project aimed at finding variety less susceptible to bacteria

June 17, 2018

University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences launches interdisciplinary Certificate in Agricultural Data Science

May 9, 2018

USA - Georgia cotton producers hope to rebound from 2017

April 12, 2018

Chef aims to nurture the seeds of a new food system - Farm-to-table advocate reaches out to land grant institutions to help

March 20, 2018

University of Georgia's Phenomics and Plant Robotics Center readies researchers for the intersection of big data, robotics and agriculture

March 7, 2018

The poblano pepper, a spicier complement to the bell pepper

March 6, 2018

University of Georgia researchers develop new method to improve crops - Technique using plant's own DNA could produce crops that are more resistant to drought and disease

February 22, 2018

Gene improves plant growth and conversion to biofuels

February 11, 2018

University of Georgia research hopes the key to fighting cowpea curculio lies in snap bean genes

January 12, 2018

University of Georgia to lead National Science Foundation project to rapidly sequence corn pangenome - Project will sequence genetic diversity of world’s largest cash crop

January 5, 2018

Peanut genetic code now mapped, ready to unlock plant's potential (Southeast Farm Press)

November 2, 2017

Key to better asparagus identified in evolution of sex chromosomes

August 22, 2017

Gene that makes large, plump tomatoes identified  - A variation in the Cell Size Regulator gene bulked up early tomatoes, facilitating domestication (ScienceDaily)

June 16, 2017

New genome sequence highlights corn’s adaptability

May 22, 2017

Sunflower genome sequence to provide roadmap for more resilient crops

February 22, 2017

USA - Challenges await Georgia watermelon growers

February 14, 2017

University of Georgia scientists use robots and drones to accelerate plant genetic research, improve crop yield

February 5, 2017

University of Georgia cotton research yields root-knot-nematode-resistant varieties

December 23, 2016

Kudzu-bug-resistant soybeans in development at the University of Georgia

September 22, 2016

New white clover variety developed, released to market

August 28, 2016

New University of Georgia â€‹varieties provide a host of bloom colors, plant sizes (Newton Citizen)

August 17, 2016

Sayonara, kudzu bug? - Cultivating soybeans to combat the kudzu bug

April 18, 2016

New technology will show farmers early signs of disease, accurate growing rates

March 11, 2016

USA - Possibility of herbicide-resistant sicklepod a potential concern for Georgia peanut farmers

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