October 21, 2011
Mississippi peanut growers get highest yields in nation
September 1, 2011
World's cotton breeders tour Mississippi State University research plots
July 14, 2011
Cotton yields increase with new technology
June 29, 2011
Mississippi State University welcomes new new head of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
May 26, 2011
Mississippi State University merges the Mississippi Variety Testing and Mississippi Foundation Seed Stocks to improve services
May 4, 2011
USA - Universities in 5 states reach hybrid rice-breeding deal (The Daily Dunklin Democrat)
April 7, 2011
New research to aid Mississippi soybean growers
February 11, 2011
Field day explores resistant ryegrass
February 3, 2011
Field day promotes giant miscanthus
Mississippi State University studies alternative grasses for airport safety
October 21, 2010
Mississippi State University study examines turf for cemetery use
October 15, 2010
Halloween mystery: why grow pumpkins?
October 7, 2010
New rice varieties add to MSU intellectual list
August 6, 2010
Cotton continues to show potential in Mississippi
August 5, 2010
Mississippi State University benchmark study monitors weed resistance
Weeds’ chemical resistance is a growing crop problem
Chemical-resistant weeds challenge row crops in Mississippi
July 15, 2010
Toxin-free castor plants would be major help to industry
July 1, 2010
Soybean rust is still not threatening Mississippi
May 27, 2010
Licensing agreement positions Mississippi State University turfgrass as top ‘Choice’
April 8, 2010
The cold winter knocked soybean rust from the state of Mississippi
April 1, 2010
U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasters predict cotton acreage boost
March 26, 2010
Mississippi State University seed production meets growers’ needs
February 19, 2010
Boll weevil eradication costs continue to drop
February 18, 2010
Mississippi State University researchers study black root rot on soybeans
Digital imaging speeds plant disease diagnosis
January 21, 2010
Mississippi State University launches turfgrass website
Researchers evaluate insecticides for peanuts
December 17, 2009
Mississippi's record soybean crop decimated by fall rain
Mississippi’s cotton crop already declining before disastrous 2009
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