February 1, 2017
Heartland Plant Innovations accelerates wheat breeding process
December 20, 2016
Kansas State University scientists to help identify genes that control wheat yield - The genes will be deposited into public databases and used in breeding programs nationwide
December 19, 2016
$975,000 grant will help Kansas State University scientists employ UAVs to improve wheat breeding - The research will use drones in the process of developing better wheat varieties
December 13, 2016
Wheat scab resistance gene found
November 20, 2016
USAID project led by Kansas State University to help develop new sorghum varieties for Haiti
November 15, 2016
Researchers make breakthrough in controlling soybean cyst nematode - Scientists hope to take the traits and move them to Kansas-adapted cultivars
October 4, 2016
Kansas, USA - The Collaborative Sorghum Investment Program, a partnership of the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, United Sorghum Checkoff Program and Kansas State University, announces its first advisory board - The board will guide work to boost sorghum demand, yield and value.
September 26, 2016
Largest-ever study reveals environmental impact of genetically modified crops
September 2, 2016
New corn disease bacterial leaf streak confirmed in United States - A Kansas State University plant pathologist discusses what to watch for
September 1, 2016
Optimal corn seeding rates depend primarily on yield environment - Kansas State University and DuPont Pioneer team up to conduct a study.
August 29, 2016
Sarah Sexton-Bowser will lead Center for Sorghum Improvement at Kansas State University - Center is focused on boosting national sorghum yield and expanding markets
August 4, 2016
Three new Kansas State University wheat varieties released through the Kansas Wheat Alliance
July 20, 2016
Winter canola preplant school scheduled Aug. 11 in Concordia, Kansas - Canola presents potential advantages in north central Kansas cropping systems
July 1, 2016
Better bread: How researchers use genomics to predict bread quality and accelerate wheat variety development
June 22, 2016
A “Fitbit” for plants?
June 20, 2016
“Rootless Corn” syndrome
Possible causes of yellow soybeans
June 14, 2016
Kansas State University joins 12 public, private universities calling for increased federal investment in agricultural research - Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation and university collaborators release report highlighting current scientific breakthroughs
May 9, 2016
Winter canola to be featured at Kansas State University field days May 24, 25 - Experiment field in Hutchinson and individual producer fields are included in field days
April 24, 2016
Mapping wheat ancestors' genomes - Wild relatives of wheat contain valuable traits for wheat breeding (High Plains Journal)
April 15, 2016
Kansas State University's Wheat In-Depth Diagnostic School set for May 17-18 - Colby is the site for research updates and field demonstrations
March 7, 2016
Some pollinator-friendly flowers make new Prairie Star list - Annual flowers have performed well in Kansas trials for two years
February 29, 2016
Weather’s effect on controlling the alfalfa weevil - Weevils are most active in temperatures between 45 and 80 degrees
February 23, 2016
Possible consequences of warm winter temperatures on wheat
February 11, 2016
Safeguarding U.S. wheat: Kansas State University researchers staying ahead of wheat blast disease
January 4, 2016
USA - Registration of Unmanned Aerial Systems: Positive implications for precision agriculture
December 15, 2015
Kansas State University researcher seeks new ways to battle Johnsongrass
December 3, 2015
Kansas State University researchers develop method for higher purity in wheat flour
November 16, 2015
Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission sponsors harvest experience for Kansas State University's sorghum research team
November 13, 2015
USA - Scientists seeking farmer involvement in overcoming herbicide-resistant weeds - Growers are encouraged to respond to a survey
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