March 4, 2013
Recherche agronomique pour le développement : les établissements français et le Consortium du CGIAR intensifient leur collaboration
February 7, 2013
Global research programs on grain legumes and dryland cereals launched to boost food and nutrition security of the poor - Strategic, high-quality international agriculture research partnerships on grain legumes and dryland cereals to help reduce poverty and improve food and nutrition security in marginal environments
January 31, 2013
New agreement brings stability to world's genebanks
Global partnership launched to drive Africa’s agricultural research
January 28, 2013
International team unravels the chickpea genome - New genomic resources will help create better chickpea varieties
Global research team decodes genome sequence of 90 chickpea lines
December 4, 2012
African Development Bank and researchers launch $63M initiative to lift Africans out of poverty
October 25, 2012
Agricultural R&D spending on the rise, but low-income countries continue to lag behind
October 21, 2012
Rwanda: new seed varieties to boost bean production (AllAfrica)
May 2, 2012
Rice research in Africa provides a strong case for investment La recherche rizicole en Afrique sert de cas irréfutable pour l’investissement
March 27, 2012
CGIAR Consortium appoints new CEO
March 5, 2012
African Development Bank approves US$63 million multi-CGIAR Center continental research-for-development initiative
March 1, 2012
New genomic resources for maize breeding - Syngenta's donation of a transgenic-free allelic diversity platform will accelerate maize breeding
October 26, 2011
African initiative to take leadership of research on key crops.
October 17, 2011
A boon to bean breeding in the tropics - Scaling to thousands: a first ever for beans, landmark donation from the Bean Coordinated Agricultural Project (BeanCAP) will greatly accelerate the quest for better beans
October 3, 2011
Scientists eye “windows of opportunity” for adapting food crops to climate change in the next two decades Científicos vislumbran "ventanas de oportunidad" para adaptar cultivos alimenticios al cambio climático en las próximas dos décadas
September 28, 2011
The CGIAR Consortium is born: First signatures on the agreement
August 31, 2011
Phosphorous acid salt: a promising chemical to control tomato bacterial wilt (CGIAR SP-IPM)
May 13, 2011
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture delivers 70% of total CGIAR impact in Africa
March 30, 2011
Cereal cyst nematodes: an unnoticed threat to global cereal production (CGIAR SP-IPM)
January 23, 2011
A powerful new partnership in plant science
January 18, 2011
International Potato Center working on potatoes fortified with iron
November 23, 2010
Drought hardy maize
Scientists find that the higher temperatures and drought associated with climate change make chickpea more susceptible to fungal disease
September 10, 2010
CIMMYT and the Government of India to launch a second “Green Revolution” in South Asia
May 26, 2010
Scientists identify virulent new strains of Ug99 stem rust - Gathered in St. Petersburg, world's top wheat experts report progress toward replacing 5 percent of vulnerable fields in nations at risk; effort called vital for preventing hunger
May 21, 2010
Endangered African rice varieties gain elite status in the region’s struggle to achieve food security
April 23, 2010
Generation Challenge Programme develops molecular market toolkit for breeders
April 21, 2010
CGIAR e-News April 2010: Agriculture and Food Security
April 12, 2010
DNA LandMarks and the Generation Challenge Programme collaborate to advance molecular breeding in developing countries
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