June 29, 2021
Identifying market segments and aligning breeding pipelines will focus CGIAR investments
Computer simulations are helping CGIAR breeders develop better varieties faster
June 23, 2021
A bold new data management platform, the Enterprise Breeding System (EBS), is helping breeders harness the power of data, save time, and make the best breeding decisions - CGIAR Excellence in Breeding has just released a faster, more feature-filled version
June 10, 2021
African breeding programs leap forward by accessing new genotyping data
Advances in breeding operations can help deliver vital varieties to smallholder farmers
June 4, 2021
May 28, 2021
The CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals, ‘CRP-GLDC’ updates its Theory of Change
May 25, 2021
Crops to End Hunger funders announce six requests
BASICS-II holds first Cassava Seed Business Summit 2021 …as Summit brings cassava seed system to the front burner
May 19, 2021
Australian Council for International Agricultural Research video highlights successful investments in global wheat research
April 30, 2021
Genebank resilience tested as pandemic enters second year
April 27, 2021
Scientists pinpoint genomic regions associated with yield potential and stress-resilience in bread wheat - Massive study of breeding lines across environments solves challenge
Teaming up for more impactful breeding - Breeders, economists, gender specialists, and food technologists are gathering together to advance new approaches to breeding crop varieties that people will want
April 16, 2021
New genotyping services launched across CGIAR and partners
April 13, 2021
New ‘Wheat Rust Genomics’ website launched
Far-reaching impacts of CIMMYT’s historic wheat training program - Alumni of the CIMMYT Global Wheat Program course reflect on the powerful learning experience
April 1, 2021
A wild way to boost wheat yields
March 25, 2021
How do we sustainably manage transboundary diseases and crop pests? CGIAR webinar examined the technological, sustainability and social implications of integrated approaches
March 9, 2021
Critically examining enablers of female inclusion - “Five-in-five” profiles of wheat research leaders present areas to address to deliver tangible change for women in global wheat
The importance of an inclusive environment in wheat research
March 5, 2021
Wheat Initiative’s Heat and Drought Alliance kicks off first workshop
March 2, 2021
Plant Breeding Stories interviews Alison Bentley, director of the CGIAR Research Program on Wheat and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)’s Global Wheat Program
February 19, 2021
Rememberting the life and legacy of Sanjaya Rajaram - Former CIMMYT Wheat Program director and distinguished scientist made remarkable contributions to wheat improvement worldwide
February 12, 2021
Bill Gates on CGIAR and adapting to a warmer world - Climate change is going to force us to consider entirely new needs
January 13, 2021
Ravi Singh, Head of Global Wheat Improvement at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), receives prestigious Government of India award
January 11, 2021
FFAR grant develops climate-resilient wheat
January 6, 2021
Agricultural research unties the Gordian knot - Agricultural research and innovation to transform our food system is the only way to cut the Gordian knot entangling food security, climate emissions, biodiversity collapse and human health
December 11, 2020
“Historic” release of six improved wheat varieties in Nepal - High-zinc and climate resilient varieties poised to boost production for farmers and nutrition for consumers
December 3, 2020
News from the Accelerating Genetic Gains (AGG) project
November 26, 2020
Protecting plants, protecting people: CGIAR germplasm health units launch phytosanitary seminar series as part of International Year of Plant Health
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