April 11, 2011
Becker Underwood’s St. Joseph, Missouri facility becomes the largest private solar panel array in St. Joseph
February 14, 2011
Becker Underwood transitions to new marketing director for Canada
December 21, 2010
Canadian growers and ag media get easy access to inoculant content online - New Becker Underwood web sites simplify access to technical sheets, MSDS, labels and product compatibility charts
November 30, 2010
Becker Underwood adds national field agronomist
November 11, 2010
Becker Underwood creates new VAULT HP case size options for added seed treater flexibility
November 9, 2010
Becker Underwood introduces new organic seed polymer
November 8, 2010
Becker Underwood adds Philip Thornton and Barry Skipper as territory managers for seed enhancement and inoculant products
October 12, 2010
Becker Underwood acquires South Africa based Biological Control Products (Pty) Ltd.
October 11, 2010
Becker Underwood announces a new lower application rate for its Flo Rite® 1127 Concentrate plantability polymer for soybeans
September 22, 2010
Becker Underwood names Michael McFatrich to new National Sales Manager position
July 22, 2010
Colomiers, France - Becker Underwood innove pour l'agriculture (La Dépèche)
July 1, 2010
Planning for future yield increases now; check soybean roots for nodulation, recommends Becker Underwood
Planning for future yield increases now; check peanut roots for nodulation, recommends Becker Underwood's field development specialist
March 17, 2010
Becker Underwood soybean seed treatment sets new standards for component viability - Advanced technology and processes extend days-on-seed viability
February 10, 2010
Wet fall indicates greater need for soybean inoculants this spring in the U.S. - First-time inoculant users find results favorable
January 21, 2010
Western Australia Department of Agriculture awards to Becker Underwood the licence for production and manufacture of Twist Fungus, a biological control agent of the bacterium and nematode organisms that cause annual ryegrass toxicity
January 14, 2010
Becker Underwood introduces new employees
October 21, 2009
Becker Underwood introduces Vault HP growth-enhancement system for soybeans
August 31, 2009
New product developments prompt Becker Underwood organizational changes
Becker Underwood introduces Flo Rite 1197, new plantability polymer
June 8, 2009
Lancaster University and Stockbridge Technology Centre researchers find that dipping seeds in jasmonic acid primes plants' natural defenses against pests (Cleantech Group)
Becker Underwood granted exclusive marketing rights for patented new seed treatment technology
June 3, 2009
Becker Underwood granted exclusive rights for McGill University's patented nitrogen-fixing technology
May 20, 2009
Saturated fields, crop switching emphasize need for soybean inculants
April 28, 2009
Becker Underwood announces major development in plantability technology with the expansion of the Flo Rite polymer technology for soybeans
April 8, 2009
U.S. Federal Register: Exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of Becker Underwood's biofungicide, Bacillus subtilis MBI 600
April 1, 2009
Breann Hammann joins Becker Underwood as Southern Territory Manager for its seed enhancement business unit
March 26, 2009
Rhizobial inoculants crucial for soybeans planted into previously flooded fields
March 19, 2009
Soybean inoculants prove value after continuous corn - Becker Underwood recommends fresh rhizobial inoculants for soybeans planted into continuous corn acres in 2009
February 25, 2009
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on Wednesday: Becker Underwood inoculation
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