January 3, 2023
S&W Seed Company and Trigall Genetics announce agreement to form Trigall Australia, a joint venture for wheat breeding in Australia
May 11, 2022
S&W and Trigall Genetics, a joint venture between Bioceres Crop Solutions and Florimond Desprez, enter discussions to combine wheat efforts in Australia
October 13, 2020
Le premier blé transgénique vient d’être autorisé en Argentine
May 17, 2013
Una empresa argentina busca desarrollar el primer trigo transgénico - La compañía nacional Bioceres se unió con la firma francesa Florimond Desprez para desarrollar en Argentina el primer trigo resistente a la sequía y la salinidad
May 7, 2013
Florimond Desprez and Bioceres join forces to develop and commercialize wheat varieties with next generation biotechnologies for the Latin-American region Florimond Desprez et Bioceres créent Trigall Genetics pour développer et commercialiser en Amérique du Sud des variétés de blé incorporant des biotechnologies de seconde génération
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