October 29, 2009
Chickens immunised by GM peas
October 23, 2009
Technical fixes needed to stem crop losses
October 22, 2009
CGIAR reforms make research decision-making distant
October 12, 2009
Drought-hardy maize ready for field trials
October 5, 2009
Agricultural research 'should be open access', says Editor-in-Chief of Science
September 28, 2009
The green revolution wasn't enough - As the hungry soar in numbers, leading agricultural research centres are planning to revolutionise the way they operate
September 21, 2009
Agriculture needs better innovation, not technology
Roadblocks on the path to GM superfoods
August 24, 2009
Fungus-resistant gene found in rice
August 20, 2009
'Snorkel' genes help stop rice drowning
August 17, 2009
Nigeria to roll out fungus-resistant soybean crops
August 10, 2009
African universities told to get agricultural research to farmers
August 3, 2009
Crops in East and Southern Africa saved from devastation by first large-scale use of a biopesticide made of fungal spores
July 27, 2009
Genetic change could make crops thrive on salty soils
July 20, 2009
Scientific strategies can save dryland agriculture
Peru's patent win strikes blow against biopiracy Perú logra asestar golpe a biopiratería
July 13, 2009
Sahel nations may be unable to grow maize by 2050
June 29, 2009
Deadlock broken on international seed sharing 国际社会分享种子的僵局被打破
Studies in maize show that benign strains of the fungus Aspergillus can outcompete toxic forms that contaminate African crops
June 17, 2009
A layered approach to biosafety in Southern Africa
June 15, 2009
Solar greenhouses bring vegetables in from the cold
June 10, 2006
Tolerance to salinity: Overexpression AtNHX1 confers salt-tolerance of transgenic tall fescue - Chinese scientists develop salt tolerant grass
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