November 19, 2010
Biofortified crops ready for developing world debut
November 11, 2010
Rice yields targeted in first CGIAR 'mega-programme'
November 3, 2010
Plant bank to preserve biodiversity of Pacific crops
October 8, 2010
Scientists claim GM cowpea could generate US$1 billion
September 17, 2010
Workshop proceedings report: GMOs for African Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities
September 3, 2010
New maize disease threatens to devastate East Africa
August 16, 2010
Night warming threatens rice output in Asia 夜间变暖威胁亚洲的稻米产量
August 9, 2010
A long history but slow uptake of drought-tolerant crops
Japan sponsors rice research hub in East Africa
July 26, 2010
Argentina wins Monsanto GM patent dispute in Europe Argentina gana a Monsanto litigio por patente de OGM 阿根廷在欧洲的孟山都转基因产权之争中取得胜诉
July 19, 2010
Ubicación de cultivos GM en Chile deberá ser pública Chile: GM crop locations must be made public
Drought-tolerance: a learning challenge for poor farmers
July 12, 2010
Controlling insect pests with GM technology
Demand is growing for accurate GM testing
Glowing crops could minimise pesticide use 发光的作物可以将杀虫剂使用降到最小化
July 2, 2010
Empresa desiste de introducir arroz GM en Brasil
July 1, 2010
Ambitious GM rice project, aiming to re-engineer rice to increase yields by 50 per cent, enters next phase 雄心勃勃的转基因稻米计划进入第二阶段
June 16, 2010
Years in the making, Kenya's GM law prepares to go live
June 14, 2010
Moth pest saliva boosts potato yield
June 7, 2010
Internet y celulares mejoran gestión agrícola en Chile
African rice gets a status upgrade
June 1, 2010
Diminishing phosphorus threatens world's agriculture
Stripe rust threat to wheat worse than predicted
May 24, 2010
Rising CO2 levels could reduce protein in crops
May 14, 2010
China - Bt cotton linked with surge in crop pest Asocian algodón Bt con proliferación de plaga agrícola Bt棉花引起作物害虫增加
Argentina poised to update seed law Argentina se aboca a actualizar legislación de semillas
May 4, 2010
Wheat variety thrives on saltier soils Variedad de trigo prospera en suelos salinos
Agricultural biodiversity research plan dropped
April 22, 2010
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) launches biotech network for developing countries
April 12, 2010
Indian farmers more willing to use GM seeds for cash crops than for food crops, survey finds
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