June 24, 2011
A quick summary of the new US Supreme Court decisions on patents
May 12, 2011
Educational tools for seed treaty actors
April 20, 2011
Plant breeder’s rights – A blessing or a curse?
April 19, 2011
New GTZ publication : "Triggering the Synergies between Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity"
April 8, 2011
Change needed at UPOV, says new study
March 30, 2011
US farmers sue Monsanto over GMO patents, demand right to conventional crops
March 28, 2011
US, China meet on biotech patenting
March 14, 2011
International Seed Treaty hears concerns of corporate concentration, DNA patenting (Intellectual Prpoerty Watch, subscription)
February 28, 2011
Long week ahead for WIPO experts considering treaty on IP and genetic resources
February 10, 2011
New White House intellectual property advisory committees elevates IP enforcement to highest level
February 7, 2011
New biodiversity benefit-sharing protocol relies on national rules, experts say
October 29, 2010
Compromise UN protocol treaty against biopiracy adopted in Japan
October 26, 2010
Change coming for quiet UN plant variety protection agency?
Climate-ready crop patents present danger for biodiversity, group says
October 20, 2010
NGOs: Biopiracy ongoing as governments slowly negotiate international instrument
October 16, 2010
World Intellectual Property Organization returns to substantive patent law talks after 5 years, with balance
October 15, 2010
As negotiators launch talks on biodiversity, industry tequests intellectual property protection
October 14, 2010
World Intellectual Property Organization members search for a negotiating agenda on patent law
October 12, 2010
Rights-holders’ anti-counterfeiting trade pact could have broad reach
August 24, 2010
Rapport entre propriété intellectuelle, transfert de technologie et développement
August 17, 2010
The future of biotechnology patents in the European Union
July 21, 2010
International experts see backswing in pendulum of biological patenting
July 20, 2010
Consensus on binding biodiversity agreement elusive, to reconvene in September
July 7, 2010
Monsanto's soybean patent cannot stretch to processed soy meal, European Court of Justice says
March 28, 2010
British official to lead the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) as civil society interest rises
March 18, 2010
The US-Cotton case: the truth behind Brazil’s cross-retaliation against US intellectual property
March 4, 2010
New U.S. Senate patent reform bill details released
February 10, 2010
Advisory Group: ‘Near perfect storm’ coming on gene patents in the US
February 9, 2010
Year ahead: biotech and patentability under debate in the US, EU
February 1, 2010
Breakdown in World Intellectual Property Organization committee on patents could symbolise deeper differences
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