July 22, 2011
ISAAA presents another five Biotech Country Facts and Trends: Bolivia, Pakistan, The Philippines, South Africa and Uruguay
July 15, 2011
ISAAA publishes Bt cotton events & hybrids in India, 2002 to 2010
July 8, 2011
Chinese Academy of Sciences scientist reports advances in development of GM herbicide resistant hybrid rice in China
ISAAA presents the first five Biotech Country Facts and Trends
June 22, 2011
Drought tolerant GM wheat makes great progress in China 作科所抗旱转基因小麦研发取得显著进展
June 17, 2011
Third generation hybrid rice breeding technique developed in China 水稻智能不育分子设计育种研究取得新进展
June 10, 2011
The trends and future of biotechnology crops for insect pest control
May 27, 2011
Breakthrough on risk assessment of pest's resistance to Bt cotton
May 13, 2011
Challenges to sustain benefits of biotech corn in the Philippines
May 6, 2011
ISAAA Publishes "Bt Cotton in India: A Multipurpose Crop"
April 29, 2011
Transgenic barley with early flowering gene from Arabidopsis
April 22, 2011
Biotech communication off the press: "Communication Challenges and Convergence in Crop Biotechnology"
March 18, 2011
Pakistan scientists introduce cry1Ab into Local cotton cultivar to enhance pest resistance
March 4, 2011
Molecular marker screening of tomato germplasm for root-knot nematodes resistance
February 11, 2011
Radio identified as a powerful tool for communicating agri-biotech to a range of stakeholders in Africa
February 4, 2011
Indian Council of Agricultural Research estimates US$ half a billion economic gains of Bt brinjal
January 7, 2011
First transgenic drought tolerant maize trials planted in Eastern Africa
December 17, 2010
Plant Variety Protection Laws workshop held in Beijing, China
New online learning tool explains the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
December 10, 2010
Patent Protection for Transgenic Events of Major Crops and Policy Implications for China
Bangladesh approves second year field trial of late blight resitant potato
Biotech potato reduces disease incidence and seed import in Bangladesh
November 26, 2010
Now available: Br eggplant brochures in local Philippine languages
8-country African delegation visits Burkina Faso Bt cotton fields
November 19, 2010
Generic guidelines on releasing new rice varieties now available
Scientists develop an accurate DNA marker assay for stem rust resistance gene in wheat
November 12, 2010
Africa shares policy and public acceptance initiatives for agricultural biotechnology
October 22, 2010
Stakeholders in Zambia push for Bt cotton trials
October 8, 2010
Scientists silence genes to produce hypoallergenic carrots
October 1, 2010
Philippine science journalists partner with SEARCA and ISAAA in science communication
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