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News archive 1997-2008
BASF Agricultural Solutions

September 19, 2012

USA - Bayer launches 2012 Fall Solutions Program

September 6, 2012

Fall burndown a best practice for helping to control resistant weeds

August 28, 2012

New BASF greenhouse to accelerate agricultural research in Limburgerhof
Neues Gewächshaus treibt die Agrarforschung in Limburgerhof voran

August 6, 2012

Brasil - BASF investe em novo Centro de Tecnologia para Tratamento de Sementes

July 17, 2012

Brussels greenlights Xemium, the next generation fungicide from BASF
Brüssel gibt grünes Licht für Xemium, die neueste Fungizid-Innovation von BASF

July 10, 2012

BASF and INCOTEC announce agreement on Coronet fungicide seed treatment for brassica

June 25, 2012

BASF’s AgBalance wins ideas competition of the German Council for Sustainable Development
AgBalance gewinnt den Ideenwettbewerb des Rats für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

June 14, 2012

BASF lança inseticida de dupla ação para a batata durante a Hortitec 2012

June 13, 2012

Um laboratório completo no telefone celular

June 12, 2012

Apresentação do Digilab no evento Agro Brasília

June 8, 2012

BASF leva tecnologia e inovação ao VI Congresso Brasileiro de Soja

June 5, 2012

BASF addresses role of innovation for agricultural sustainability
BASF unterstreicht Bedeutung von Innovationen für Nachhaltigkeit in der Landwirtschaft

May 22, 2012

Vinterraps demomark på Egeskov: blomstring

Landwirtschaft zum Anfassen: Bauernmarkt in Limburgerhof am Pfingstsamstag

BASF apresenta produtos para proteção de cultivos com foco no aumento de produtividade na 10º edição do ENTEC$

May 14, 2012

BASF leva à Agrobrasília 2012 seu portfólio destinado aos cultivos extensivos

April 19, 2012

Website brasileiro da unidade de Proteção de Cultivos da BASF lança ferramentas exclusivas

April 13, 2012

Produtores conhecerão novos produtos, serviços e resultados do Sistema AgCelence Soja na 5ª Parecis SuperAgro

April 12, 2012

Safe food loves crop protection -- panel discussion

April 6, 2012

Hvordan bekæmper man glimmerbøsser i vinterraps?

April 4, 2012

BASF Clearfield-Vantiga im Raps zugelassen

March 16, 2012

BASF appoints new head of Crop Protection for Asia Pacific
BASF ernennt neuen Leiter im Bereich Crop Protection für die Region Asien-Pazifik

February 29, 2012

BASF highlights ‘The Science Behind the Future of Weed Control’ - New innovations and comprehensive management strategies key to managing resistant weeds

February 25, 2012

Xemium - das außergewöhnliche Carboxamid (BASF Agro)

Adexar - Krankheitsschutz in neuer Dimension (BASF Agro)

February 24, 2012

Unidade de Proteção de Cultivos da BASF anuncia mudanças em sua área de marketing

January 25, 2012

Despite unprecedented opportunity, many corn and soybean growers leaving profit on the table by not pushing yieldb

January 9, 2012

Unique chemistry in Armezon herbicide from BASF is tough on weeds, safe on corn

December 1, 2011

Retengo Plus: Zulassung für erstes AgCelence- Produkt in Mais beantragt

BASF bringt Fungizidinnovation Adexar auf den Markt

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