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News archive 1997-2008
BASF Agricultural Solutions

February 26, 2013

Heat - Você falou a BASF escutou

February 19, 2013

Streit um resistente Rapszüchtung - Neue Dünger-Kombi verspricht höhere Gewinne (Deutschlandfunk)

February 14, 2013

Initium, BASF’s fungicide for specialty crops, receives approval in Brussels
Brüssel genehmigt Initium®, das BASF-Fungizid für Sonderkulturen

February 11, 2013

Zulassungsinformationen: Medax® Top – Zulassung erweitert (Zul.-Nr.: 005620-00)

Growers report success with Priaxor fungicide from BASF despite 2012 growing season challenges

Resistenter Ackerfuchsschwanz wird zu einem immer größeren Problem im Getreideanbau

February 5, 2013

Herbicida multicultura é nova aposta da BASF

Three pillars of BASF's Headline plant health: disease control, growth efficiency and stress tolerance (AgWired)

February 4, 2013

Brasil - BASF lança novo herbicida no 25º Show Rural Coopavel

January 30, 2013

BASF reinforces partnerships with food value chain

January 28, 2013

Brasil - Mais de 7 mil agricultores conhecerão novidades da BASF no Dia de Campo Belasafra

Fastac EC insecticide from BASF registered for use in the United States

January 23, 2013

BASF-Nufarm agreement changes: BASF to distribute crop protection products directly in Australia
Änderung der Vereinbarung zwischen BASF und Nufarm: BASF vertreibt Pflanzenschutzmittel in Australien künftig selbst

January 21, 2013

Participantes do Showtec Maracaju 2013 conhecerão o AgroDetecta, novo serviço da BASF - Sistema AgCelence Soja Produtividade Top, Abacus HC e Digilab também serão os destaques no evento

January 16, 2013

BASF reorganizes Specialty Products Department with U.S. Crop Protection division

January 14, 2013

A quoi sert une mycothèque?

January 7, 2013

France - J'ai testé Adexar sur blé, et j'ai constaté un écart de rendement avec les produits classiques

December 11, 2012

BASF, Monsanto recommend tank mixing HEAT and Roundup Transorb HC to optimize weed control for pre-seed burnoff

December 9, 2012

BASF Zulassungsinformationen: Jockey Beizung 2013 - reguläres Zulassungsende 31. Dezember 2012

December 6, 2012

De 8 à 10 ans pour développer un nouveau produit phytosanitaire

November 27, 2012

Solução de manejo fitossanitário para tomate é apresentada pela BASF em evento em Goiânia/GO (Cultivar)

November 8, 2012

BASF launches new Advanced Weed Control online resource

October 18, 2012

Field trials with Engenia herbicide from BASF demonstrate effective control of resistant weeds in soybeans

Laboratório da BASF voltado à proteção de cultivos recebe investimento e aumenta escopo de atuação

October 15, 2012

Campanha explora conceito de produto Multicultura

October 9, 2012

Aplicativo da BASF agiliza acesso à informações para agricultores

October 8, 2012

Tecnologia de identificação de pragas da BASF ganha três novos módulos

October 5, 2012

Evento da BASF reúne mais de 400 especialistas em agricultura no interior de São Paulo

September 25, 2012

BASF to boost production capacity for blockbuster fungicides in Germany and the United States
BASF erhöht Produktionskapazität für Fungizide in Deutschland und den USA

September 20, 2012

BASF to strengthen global crop protection business with acquisition of Becker Underwood
BASF erwirbt Becker Underwood zur Stärkung des globalen Pflanzenschutzgeschäftes

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