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News archive 1997-2008
BASF Agricultural Solutions

July 2, 2013

BASF Agroportal Hrvatska

Rapsherbizide: Kombi-Effekt - die Grundlage für sichere Wirkung bei unterschiedlichen Bodenverhältnissen

June 28, 2013

Alternaria in potatoes – it’s all about timing

June 19, 2013

Effective Sclerotinia control achieved with carrot clipping

June 10, 2013

BASF invests more than €50 million to expand its crop protection production capacity in South America
BASF investiert rund 50 Millionen € in die Erweiterung ihrer Pflanzenschutzproduktion in Südamerika

June 6, 2013

USA - BASF launches Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide as part of the Intrinsic brand fungicide family

June 3, 2013

Serviço global da BASF é lançado no Brasil com pacote de soluções para tratamento de sementes

May 27, 2013

BASF responds to EFSA’s assessment on risk to bees
BASF reagiert auf EFSA-Bewertung des Risikos für Bienen

May 23, 2013

The Clearfield Production System for oilseed rape -- An intelligent system for mutual success

BASF announces investments and initiatives for agriculture in Asia Pacific
BASF kündigt weitere Investitionen und Initiativen für die Landwirtschaft in Asien-Pazifik an

May 14, 2013

Landwirtschaft zum Anfassen: Bauernmarkt in Limburgerhof am Pfingstsamstag

May 3, 2013

BASF upgrading Hannibal, Missouri site - Infrastructure improvements increase plant’s energy efficiency

April 30, 2013

AgCelence - BASF Plant Health

Deutschland - Zulassungen von Clio, Clio Super und Clio Star bis zum 30. April 2015 verlängert

April 14, 2013

BASF plans show additional Research Triangle Park,office expansion (The Herald-Sun)

April 12, 2013

BASF apresenta novas tecnologias durante a 6ª Parecis SuperAgro

April 11, 2013

BASF Agro - Lansiranje AgCelence koncepta

April 10, 2013

New BASF sequential fungicide application program controls disease, drives yield - BASF research shows sequential application benefits in corn

April 8, 2013

Brasil - Herbicida multicultura será destaque na 12ª Tecnoshow COMIGO

April 4, 2013

Measuring sustainability in agriculture

March 27, 2013

BASF hosts its first Symposium on Sustainability Assessment in Agriculture

March 21, 2013

Zidua herbicide from BASF receives U.S. federal registration for soybeans

March 19, 2013

Colorful way shows how BASF herbicide works (AgWired)

March 18, 2013

En 2012, contre la septoriose, j'ai utilisé Adexar de BASF sur blé tendre

Plus de 200 essais produits sont menés chaque année en France par BASF Agro

March 15, 2013

Clearfield Produktionssystem - die Portfolioergänzung für Herausforderungen im Rapsanbau

March 4, 2013

Brasil - BASF apresenta um novo herbicida na 14ª Expodireto Cotrijal

March 1, 2013

BASF apresenta um novo herbicida na 14ª Expodireto Cotrijal (Cultivar)

February 27, 2013

BASF hosts seventh annual 'Science Behind' crop protection symposium for ag media

BASF inaugura centro de estudos em Mato Grosso

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