February 24, 2014
United Kingdom - Yellow rust has arrived in Leicestershire
February 20, 2014
Two BASF products, Headline AMP fungicide and Sharpen herbicide, named ‘Products of the Year’ by no-till farmers
February 19, 2014
Sercadis fungicide from BASF receives U.S. EPA registration for disease control in rice
February 18, 2014
Canada - Third annual BASF poll finds farmers recognize herbicide resistance is a problem, but less than half suspect they have it
February 3, 2014
African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) receives Feed the Future Funding to improve maize production in East Africa - Partnership project to upscale commercialisation of technology to control Striga weed infestation in maize launched
January 31, 2014
Sensoren erkennen Stress bei Pflanzen
January 29, 2014
Neue Initiative "Pflanzenschützer": Wirkstoffkahlschlag in der EU droht | IVA
January 27, 2014
Zidua herbicide from BASF receives U.S. federal registration for wheat
January 13, 2014
Sistema AgCelence Soja entra em nova fase com fungicida Orkestra SC - Agricultores poderão conhecer resultados de aplicação nas áreas experimentais da BASF para soja, durante Dia de Campo C.Vale
December 23, 2013
BASF claims 2013 fungicide use advantages (AG Professional)
December 20, 2013
USA - Septoria brown spot, frogeye leaf spot, common rust were troublesome diseases in 2013 - Growers report disease control and Plant Health success this season with BASF Plant Health fungicides on their corn and soybean acres
December 13, 2013
BASF - Butisan (Zul.-Nr.: 033401-00) Zulassung verlängert
Blattkrankheiten im Mais: Monitoring bestätigt Relevanz
December 12, 2013
BASF on the cutting edge of seed enhancement (AgWired)
BASF to expand range of interactive services for the global agricultural community BASF erweitert Portfolio an interaktiven Dienstleistungen für die globale Agrar-Community
December 5, 2013
Deutschland - Neues BASF Herbizid Biathlon 4D im Getreide zugelassen
November 15, 2013
EU-Behörden uneins über Pflanzenschutzmittelverbot auf Greening-Flächen - Europaparlament und EU-Mitgliedstaaten verstimmt
November 7, 2013
BASF presents new, closed transfer system for crop protection products at the Agritechnica BASF stellt neues, geschlossenes Entnahmesystem für Pflanzenschutzmittel auf der Agritechnica vor
November 5, 2013
BASF files legal action challenging EU Commission’s restriction of insecticide use
October 2, 2013
BASF raises 2020 sales target for its Crop Protection division to €8 billion BASF erhöht für den Bereich Crop Protection das Umsatzziel für 2020 auf 8 Milliarden €
October 1, 2013
United Kingdom - Getting the right growth now for the best oilseed rape yield
Xemium, BASF’s novel fungicide, receives registration for the Brazilian market - Solution to help soybean growers combat a broad range of diseases, including Asian soybean rust BASF-Fungizid Xemium erhält Registrierung für den brasilianischen Markt - Wirkstoff schützt Soja vor einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten, unter anderem dem Asiatischen Sojarost
September 27, 2013
Give your oilseed rape a weed-free start
September 24, 2013
BASF launches new mobile website for Crop Protection business in the U.S. - Mobile platform provides access to all Crop Protection product information for tablets and smartphones
September 18, 2013
Buttersalat - Der zarteste unter den Köpfen - Steigende Beliebtheit bei deutschen Verbrauchern
September 13, 2013
Seed treatments like Poncho/VOTiVO are applied by the milligram (AG Professional)
September 4, 2013
MayAgro Seed Corporation and BASF enter into Clearfield Plus sunflower licensing agreement
July 25, 2013
BASF holds global Seed Partner Convention in Hungary
July 16, 2013
European Union bans BASF pesticide over bee health fears (Reuters)
BASF disagrees with restriction of key insecticide in the EU BASF stimmt nicht überein mit Einsatzbeschränkungen von wichtigem Insektizid in der EU
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