August 7, 2019
BASF and Ontera collaborate on precision diagnostics to support farmers with in-field disease monitoring BASF und Ontera arbeiten gemeinsam an Präzisionsdiagnostik, um Landwirte bei der Überwachung von Krankheiten im Feld zu unterstützen
July 22, 2019
BASF joins the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium
July 17, 2019
Le regard du nouveau président monde de BASF sur l'agriculture française (Terre-net)
July 15, 2019
BASF introduces new distribution model for Agricultural Solutions in Western Canada
July 8, 2019
BASF launches revolutionary new fungicides for U.S. turf markets
July 1, 2019
From plant to harvest: Iowa grower talks Poncho/VOTiVO 2.0 seed treatment
June 5, 2019
BASF opens global Agrochemical Application Research Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA BASF eröffnet globales Forschungszentrum für die Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
May 31, 2019
BASF Agricultural Solutions Canada to move head office closer to customers
May 20, 2019
BASF at IUPAC 2019: engaging in R&D for sustainable agriculture BASF auf dem IUPAC-Kongress 2019: Engagement in Forschung und Entwicklung für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
May 7, 2019
USA - BASF adds three extra dicamba-tolerant Stoneville varieties to its 2019 cotton portfolio (Cotton Grower)
April 29, 2019
Personnel changes at BASF
April 11, 2019
BASF partners with the Iowa Soybean Research Center at Iowa State University
April 3, 2019
USDA/APHIS announces availability of draft Environmental Assessment and draft Plant Pest Risk Assessment for petition to deregulate altered oil profile and imidazolinone herbicide resistant GE canola from BASF Plant Science
March 19, 2019
USA - BASF launches Ventigra insecticide to combat increasing pest pressures
February 20, 2019
Corteva Agriscience, agriculture division of DowDuPont, acquires Clearfield Canola Production System in Canada and the U.S. from BASF
February 8, 2019
Inoculate and protect soybean seeds - Providing a strong start with vigorous roots and disease protection
Following the story of Engenia herbicide from BASF through 2018 and beyond - Growers share their insights on dicamba technology
February 1, 2019
Wirecard provides Xarvio digital farming solutions of BASF with digital payment services
January 11, 2019
USA - 0% financing programs from Horizon Ag and BASF improve rice farmer financing options
January 10, 2019
USA - BASF advances five new cottonseed varieties, including dicamba-tolerant varieties for enhanced weed control
December 5, 2018
FiberMax One Ton Club recognizes cotton growers for high yields
December 3, 2018
USA - BASF brings new innovations to growers with expanded seed solutions portfolio that enhances and protects soybean seed
September 2, 2018
USA - BASF launches soybeans with 3 herbicide traits, farmers can only use 2 (AgProfessionals)
August 28, 2018
USA - BASF launches Credenz with LibertyLink GT27 - First soybean technology with herbicide tolerance to both Liberty herbicide and glyphosate
December 7, 2017
Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (MCAG) and BASF sign commercialization agreement for new insecticide with IRAC novel mode of action Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (MCAG) und BASF unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zur Vermarktung eines neuen Insektizids
December 1, 2017
IRRI and BASF team up to promote direct-seeded rice in Asia
June 29, 2017
Neue Software hält automatisiert Abstandsauflagen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln ein
May 30, 2017
BASF entwickelt App zur Blattanalyse von Getreidekrankheiten
April 10, 2017
Science around us: tiny worms slay slugs and snails - Biological crop protection complements chemical methods Wissenschaft populär: Winzige Würmer vertilgen Schnecken - Biologischer Pflanzenschutz ergänzt den Einsatz von Chemie
September 21, 2016
BASF opens new Application Technology Center to improve testing of crop protection products BASF eröffnet neues Application Technology Center für erweiterte Testung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
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