October 12, 2016
High digestible grass and a visit from the Minister - DLF has teamed-up with Aarhus University in Denmark to make the future high digestible forage grasses Højt fordøjeligt græs og ministerbesøg - DLF er gået sammen med Aarhus Universitet om at lave fremtidens højt fordøjelige fodergræs
September 19, 2016
New study examines where and how climate change is altering species
May 30, 2016
Herbicide-tolerant crops can be a part of integrated weed management
April 14, 2016
FAO and partners ramp up efforts to track and prevent spread of damaging wheat rusts - Expanding collaboration to support preparedness and containment in Central Asia and the Middle East
December 17, 2015
Fungi may help drought-stressed wheat
October 7, 2015
Grass becomes more robust against root-feeding insects - The development of the first commercial grass plants carrying natural root protection against the infestation of pests will lead to a reduction in the use of pesticides and strengthen the Danish commercial seed production
August 21, 2015
Preparing cropping systems for climate changes - Climate models can be improved with more knowledge on how crops respond to climate-related stress and the atmospheric concentration of CO2 Afgrøder skal forberedes til klimaændringerne - Klimamodeller kan forbedres med mere viden om, hvordan afgrøder reagerer over for klimarelateret stress og luftens indhold af CO2
July 13, 2015
Invasions out of center of diversity increase the risk of disease epidemics in wheat - Scientists have found that strains of the wheat pathogen causing severe yellow rust epidemics in Europe have their origin in the center of diversity in the Himalayan region; this disease can have a great impact on wheat production in Europe
July 9, 2015
Researchers discover how bacteria sweet-talk their way into plants
July 3, 2015
Invasions out of centre of diversity increase the risk of disease epidemics in wheat
June 22, 2015
Legumes control infection of nodules by both symbiotic and endophytic bacteria
February 2, 2015
Denmark - Crop pests are resistant to certain insecticides
New leaf for the salad bowl
January 21, 2015
Scientists from Aarhus University and commercial breeders and leading foreign research institutions will in partnership develop new varieties of wheat that are resistant to a number of devastating fungal diseases
December 1, 2014
Aarhus University moves its Department of Food Science to the Agro Food Park in Aarhus
Aarhus University is among the world’s best in agricultural research according to the latest NTU Ranking
July 14, 2014
Best for bees to be stay-at-homes - Honey bees with roots in the local environment manage much better in the struggle for survival than imported honey bees from foreign environments
April 1, 2014
Do carrots carry a sense of place?
February 21, 2014
Researchers to study why Ramularia turns on barley
September 12, 2013
SpectraSeed - Future standards for quality analysis
April 2, 2013
Phosphorus in wheat can be made more readily available - Scientists from Aarhus University have discovered why some species of cereal have higher phytase activity than others and have patented a method for increasing phytase activity in cereal
March 20, 2013
Gene switch-off produces healthier carbohydrates Desarrollan cebada biotecnológica más saludable
March 1, 2013
Battling the septoria fungus
Gene switch-off produces healthier carbohydrates
November 1, 2012
Plants recognise pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms Planter genkender sygdomsfremkaldende og nyttige mikroorganismer
May 7, 2012
Decision support system can help reduce the use of pesticides in potato production
Potato virus Y in five different guises
April 17, 2012
European Commission JRC publishes 2 new summary notifications (plants)
March 1, 2012
New technology opens the secret microworld of plants
February 3, 2012
Cauliflower and leeks to have company in the field
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