A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Thu 2 May 2024
Source: Al-Thawra [in Arabic, machine trans., summ. Mod.DHA, edited]
[Note: the above link may not be accessible in some countries. The information was verified by one of our ProMED team members. - Mod.JH]
A government technical team investigated the main wheat pests for the current agricultural season in the governorate. They found almost universal infection with yellow leaf rust due to the suitable climatic conditions. The infection foci have been controlled. Climatic conditions suitable for the spread of the disease during the previous growing period led to the emergence of new infections and the spread of the disease on a larger scale. The area under control measures reached 6957 hectares.
[Byline: Suhaila Ismail]
Communicated by:
[Stripe rust (also called yellow rust) of cereals is caused by the fungus _Puccinia striiformis_. The disease affects wheat (_Triticum aestivum_), durum wheat (_T. turgidum_), some barley varieties, triticale (wheat/rye hybrids), as well as a number of wild grasses. It causes yellow stripes on leaves leading to loss of photosynthetic ability and plant vigour, as well as stunting of plants. Yield losses of 40-100% have been reported in wheat.
Spores are wind dispersed in several cycles during the cropping season. Grasses and volunteer crop plants may generate a "green bridge" providing inoculum for the next crop cycle. Disease monitoring is important so that timely action can be taken to limit the spread of the pathogen, as well as build-up of inoculum. Disease management may include the use of resistant crop varieties, fungicide applications, and control of pathogen reservoirs. Monitoring and resistance breeding programmes have been established in different regions for early detection of new rust strains and to attempt to stay ahead of pathogen evolution.
While stem rust (_P. graminis_) poses a huge potential threat to world wheat production, stripe rust is currently causing the most damage to wheat crops on a global scale. New strains of both rusts with increased virulence and additional fungicide resistances have been reported in recent years from wheat-growing areas worldwide. Climate warming allowing survival of wheat rusts on green bridges into higher latitudes is another example of pathogens extending their range due to climate change (e.g., ProMED posts 20141024.2895414, 20120809.1235745, 20090914.3230, 20110718.2172). Projects for double-resistance breeding to manage both stripe and stem rusts simultaneously are in progress (see ProMED post 20120831.1274190). The Himalayan region has been identified as a source of most of the aggressive stripe rust races that have arrived in Europe over recent years (ProMED post 20150717.3517395).
Stripe rust symptoms on wheat:
https://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/php/brief/2005/stripe/image/wheat3.jpg and
Stripe rust on barley:
https://extensionaus.com.au/FieldCropDiseasesVic/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2017/03/Fig-2.-Barley-stripe-rust-.jpg and
Ryegrass with stripe rust:
http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/bpp/Plant_Clinic/images/ryegrass_stripe%20rust.jpg and
Information on stripe rust:
https://www.ars.usda.gov/midwest-area/stpaul/cereal-disease-lab/docs/cereal-rusts/wheat-stripe-rust/ and
Stripe rust global tracking, current race analysis and distribution:
https://agro.au.dk/forskning/internationale-platforme/wheatrust/yellow-rust-tools-maps-and-charts/ and
Stripe rust review:
_P. striiformis_ taxonomy, and synonyms:
http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/NamesRecord.asp?RecordID=227064 and
Wheat rusts overview, including epidemiology and spore types:
Global Rust Initiative:
- Mod.DHA
ProMED map:
Homs Governorate, Syria: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8716621,25782]
See Also
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (02) (HP) 20240405.8715798
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB) 20240221.8714987
Stripe rust, wheat - Türkiye: (ED) 20230504.8709859
Stripe rust, wheat - Pakistan: (KP) 20230420.8709599
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (HR) 20230222.8708531
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia: (NS,QL) 20220809.8704948
Stripe rust, cereal crops - Tunisia: (NB) 20220429.8702923
Stripe & leaf rusts, wheat - Pakistan: (PB) 20220210.8701378
Stripe, stem & leaf rusts, wheat - Ethiopia 20210212.8186216
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (HR) 20210120.8121602
Stripe rust, wheat - China 20200528.7391929
Stripe rust, wheat - UK: new strain susp. 20200410.7206768
Stripe rust & head blight, wheat - China 20200318.7104946
Stripe rust & karnal bunt, wheat - India: (HR) 20200204.6950281
Stripe rust, wheat - China: alert 20191219.6849959
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (JK) 20190415.6422450
Stripe rust, wheat - Pakistan, India 20190328.6390313
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia: (VI) new strain 20180614.5855829
Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB) alert 20180301.5659889
and additional items on stripe rust in the archives