June 20, 2017
Estudio arroja los beneficios de los cultivos transgénicos en Colombia entre 2003-2015
August 31, 2015
1º levantamento de adoção da biotecnologia agrícola no Brasil, safra 2015/16 (Céleres)
January 28, 2015
Produtividade de transgênicos deve ser maior do que na safra anterior
September 5, 2014
Brasil - A Céleres® manteve as projeções de safra 2014/15 para soja, milho e algodão em seu segundo acompanhamento
December 19, 2013
Brazil GMO planting to increase by 6.8 percent this season (Reuters)
Céleres - 2º acompanhamento de adoção da biotecnologia agrícola no Brasil, safra 2013/14
January 22, 2013
Biotechnology guaranteed US$ 100 K to average Brazilian corn growers in four years, according to ABRASEM
January 21, 2013
The Socio-environmental Benefits from Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97 to 2011/12 (Céleres)
Os Benefícios Econômicos da Biotecnologia Agrícola no Brasil: 1996/97 – 2011/12 (Céleres)
December 18, 2012
Brazil GMO planting to increase by 14 percent this season (Reuters)
June 21, 2012
Benefícios socioambientais da biotecnologia são mostrados na Rio+20
April 16, 2012
Brasil - Área com transgênicos no país deverá crescer 54% até 2020/21
April 14, 2012
Transgênicos geraram US$ 12 bilhões extras, diz estudo
April 13, 2012
Brazil - Transgenics produce a return of up to US$ 3.59 for every US$ 1 invested in seed - According to a study by Celeres and ABRASEM, the benefits reach all growers
March 26, 2012
Milho transgênico cresce em ritmo acelerado
March 12, 2012
Céleres vê milho como alternativa para etanol no Brasil (Cultivar)
December 6, 2011
Area with transgenics will be 20.9% greater in Brazil's next harvest, says Celeres
August 4, 2011
Brasilien stellt neuen Rekord bei GV-Pflanzen auf (AgrarHeute)
August 3, 2011
Brazil sets new record in the adoption of transgenic crops
August 2, 2011
Infográfico: Benefícios Socioambientais da Biotecnologia nas Lavouras Brasileiras
April 29, 2011
Environmental and Economic Benefits of Biotechnology in Brazil
The Commercial Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil:1996/97 - 2009/10
The Social-Environmental Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97 - 2009/10
March 23, 2011
Study notes that social and environmental benefits of biotechnology are profitable for Brazilian agriculture
January 20, 2011
Brazil has the highest rate of adoption of transgenics in its history
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