February 6, 2017
New semi–rough seed mixture for faster play and enhanced ecology
January 17, 2017
Chart–topping fineness of leaf and free fertiliser appraisals from Germinal
January 16, 2017
United Kingdom - Chart-topping fineness of leaf and free fertiliser appraisals from Germinal Amenity
November 29, 2016
Irelan - Utilisation of forage crops at its best on Thurles farm
September 13, 2016
Ireland - Grazing reseeds to promote tillering
August 26, 2016
Green space cultivar and nutrient focus at Saltex
July 27, 2016
Germinal Seeds at the NSA Sheep Event. - Proven varieties key to success of multi–species swards
July 7, 2016
Germinal Ireland reseeding demonstration - Maximise the return from reseeding with upcoming Kilkenny reseeding demo
July 6, 2016
Hybrid Brassicas offer low cost quality feed solution
Reseeding offers immediate and lasting return on investment
June 28, 2016
United Kingdom - Strategic re-seeding helps boost grass output (FarmingLife)
June 23, 2016
United Kingdom - Wentworth Club at Virginia Water in Surrey selects Germinal Amenity's 007 DSB Creeping Bent to re-seed the greens on its famous West Course
June 9, 2016
Latest Aber High Sugar Grass announced at Royal Welsh Grassland Event
June 1, 2016
How to make more from forage – Germinal Focus at Royal Welsh Grassland Event 2016
May 26, 2016
United Kingdom - Extension of sowing date for wild bird cover in GLAS
May 19, 2016
Revised seed mixtures offer improved fine turf performance - The introduction of new chart-topping perennial ryegrass variety, Cabrio, into two of Germinal’s Grade-A seed mixtures offers groundsmen the option of tougher, harder-wearing and more attractive fine turf lawns this year
May 18, 2016
Wild Bird Cover – Updated GLAS information - The objective of the Wild Bird Cover Option within GLAS is to sow a seed crop mixture that provides a food source and winter cover for farmland birds and other fauna
Germinal adds Cabrio to seed mixtures (Horticulture Week)
May 17, 2016
Ireland - Reseeding demonstrations - Germinal in conjunction with Teagasc have organised two upcoming reseeding demonstrations
May 16, 2016
Revised seed mixtures offer improved fine turf performance
April 28, 2016
Grass selection underpins boost in pasture performance
April 25, 2016
Fast growing leafy turnip offers multiple benefits
April 22, 2016
Germinal strengthens GB team with appointment of experienced forage agronomist
April 12, 2016
Growing artwork helps to raise climate concerns - An art installation featuring a pelt of living, British–bred grasses has been used as part of The Tree Ceremony at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris to highlight the danger of increasing city temperatures, damaging flood waters, polluted air and biodiversity loss
April 8, 2016
Grass silage quality key to combating milk market volatility
April 5, 2016
Scottish golf courses contribute to ecological success story on Ayrshire coast
March 30, 2016
Reseeding is key to unlocking the land’s potential
March 24, 2016
Germinal the choice of grass seed for the Kingdom
New IBERS Aberystwyth University research to boost grassland efficiency and improve prospects for livestock farmers
March 14, 2016
Milk production – call for ‘Back to Basics’
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